The Five Canons of Rhetoric

Karla News

The Roman rhetoricians task of dividing rhetoric into five canons was important, because prior to their idea of organizing and creating the speeches beforehand based on certain stands, the rhetors in Roman society had no common or reproducible method by which to create their speeches. Over the years, different canons have gained attention and been … Read more


Great Memorial Day Weekend Events in Dallas/Fort Worth

Karla News

Memorial Day the day when we remember the brave men and women who have given their lives defending our country. We should all take time out to honor these fallen heroes, especially since so many members of our Armed Forces continue to serve in combat zones today. Many churches will hold special Memorial Day services … Read more

Food & Wine

Saran Wrap Versus Glad Press’n Seal Wrap

Karla News

I’m not really loyal to any one brand for many kitchen products. Baggies, aluminum foil, food storage bags, freezer bags, parchment paper–for all of those, I pretty much buy whatever is on sale or the brands for which I have coupons. But I am kind of picky when it comes to plastic wrap. For years … Read more


Fight Wrinkles with Homemade Vitamin C Serum

Karla News

Vitamin C serums are a hot skin care item. However, they can cost anywhere from $30 to $100 dollars for a one ounce bottle. Fortunately, you can make your own effective Vitamin C Serum for pennies on the dollar. Why are Vitamin C serums so popular? The active ingredient in Vitamin C serums, L-ascorbic acid, … Read more