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Natural Cures and Home Remedies for Headaches

Chronic Headaches, Home Remedies for Headaches

It is estimated that 55 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches, I will admit that I am one of these 55 million. It is said that most headaches are warning signs that there is a problem somewhere else in the body and doesn’t really change anything in the brain. Sometimes when you suffer from these headaches certain medicines won’t help, especially over the counter medications from my experience. When these headaches strike and no medicine works it is best to switch to natural cures, which are surprisingly effective and some believe to be the best kind since you don’t have to worry about side effects. This article will be focused on natural ways to cure or at least sooth the pain from your headaches.

One of the first and easiest ways to help the pain is a warm shower or bath, the warm water helps to release any tension in your muscles. If you are taking a warm shower to help then make sure you let some of the water run on the back of your neck, this is especially useful with tension headaches.

Exercise can help because it gets blood circulating through out the body and if you do use exercise as an aid for your headache try doing it outside since fresh air could help as well. Do not exercise if the pain is really bad because it will just become worse.

Dehydration can cause headaches so also make sure you drink a lot of fluids such as water or Gatorade.

Lemon is a great remedy for headaches, if you squeeze the juice from a few lemon wedges into some tea it can usually provide some if not all relief from your headache. You can also apply a piece of peeling from a freshly peeled lemon to your temples and it can help sooth headaches caused from heat.

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Some also say that you can eat some of an apple with a little bit of salt every morning on an empty stomach to help your pain.

Soaking your feet in a hot bath for about 15 minutes every night before sleeping can help as well.

I have also heard of people taking a single garlic tablet a day to get rid of their migraine headaches. Drinking a warm glass of water with a teaspoon of honey can help get rid of migraines as well.

Going into a cold dark room and laying down to rest a bit can greatly reduce the pain from a headache, it is not a good idea to nap for long periods of time without a headache though because sometimes it can cause a migraine headache.

Sometimes oversleeping when you think your tired can also cause headaches so try and resist the urge to oversleep some of the time.

When suffering from a headache correcting your posture can also help, so avoid leaning or pushing your head to one side, try and stand up tall and sit up straight.

Acupressure is also a very good way to relieve pain, you can do this by squeezing the web between your thumb and forefinger until you feel pain.

If you are used to having your daily dose of caffeine then make sure you get it because you can have a headache caused from caffeine withdrawals and sometimes a little bit of caffeine is good for a headache, but you shouldn’t consume to much of it because it can cause headaches as well.

Doing breathing exercises can also help, breathe very deeply and then exhale very slowly.

See also  Chronic Headaches and Pain Management

I have even heard people say that standing on their head gets rid of most kinds of headaches!

These are all really great ways to help naturally get rid of headaches. These all work pretty well for the most part, you just have to figure out what kind of headache you suffer from to be more exact about it.