Articles for tag: Headache Remedies, Home Cures, Toothaches

Karla News

Natural Cures for Headaches

In today’s society, many people are too quick to take medication the instant they feel any pain, especially headaches. But there are many natural cures for headaches that relieve pain just as well. Whether you want to stop taking so many pills or you are pregnant and can’t take pills, here are some natural headache ...

Karla News

20 Natural Ways to Relieve Headaches

Headaches are the bane of our stressed out, OCD, overdrive lifestyles. The causes of headaches are varied: tension, sinus, migraine, allergy, PMS, hangover, lack of caffeine, hunger, tiredness, eye strain. Here are some natural headache remedies. You may need to try a combination of remedies. Eye exam: Many times, recurrent headache are caused by eye ...

Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever: Best Cure for a Headache

Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever is the only over-the-counter product that cures my headaches. I don’t get migraines, but I often get headaches due to eye strain, stress, and other lifestyle factors. I’ve tried everything else on the market, and Excedrin Extra Strength Pain Reliever works like no other product. It’s inexpensive and readily available ...

Is that a Sinus Headache…or Is it Really a Migraine?

Did you know that only one out of every thirty people that claim to be suffering from a sinus headache actually are? Surprisingly, those other twenty-nine are actually suffering from a migraine. As a migraine sufferer, I spent many years of my life being told by my parents and school nurses that my headaches were ...

Karla News

7 Natural Headache Remedies

At the onset of the painful pulsing, pressure, or tension, it is easy to run over to the medicine cabinet and swallow a few pain reliever pills. But what about natural headache remedies? Here are 7 ways to naturally relieve or even prevent headache pain. Natural Headache Remedy #1: Water As soon are you feel ...