Karla News

My List of Pet Peeves

Am I Pregnant

Spiders, I absolutely cannot stand spiders! I have such a big fear of them

Animal abusers, they should be shot

Messiness, I can’t stand when things are messy and unorganized

High gas prices, pretty much self-explanatory here.

Crime, such as murder, kidnapping, rape, robbery, arson, etc.

Pee on the seat! as Andi would say, If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat! I’ll never forget that saying, it’s SO TRUE!

Drugs and drug dealers, especially marijuana

Smoking, it’s disgusting, especially when people smoke in your face.

Foreigners and immigrants who come to OUR country and suck off OUR government and take OUR jobs. And I also hate how our government gives everything to these people on a silver platter, but American citizens get crap on. Just because your country sucks, doesn’t mean you need to come over to America.

Japanese cars and retarded kids who modify them to try to be like the ones in Fast and the Furious

Ice cream, I had one bad experience with it and I can’t even stand to look at it now

Gross chest and back hair on guys, this is a MAJOR turn off!

When my boyfriend throws my clean towels on the bathroom floor and doesn’t hang them up!

Cold weather and winter

People that say my last name as Harring! There is no N, it’s just Harrig!

Kids who eat their boogers, you have no idea how much that makes me want to puke!

Being the new girl” at a new job, it really sucks

Bitchy and snobby girls

2 faced people who pretend to be your friend to your face, but then they go behind your back and talk smack on you


Parents who don’t discipline their kids and let them do whatever they want

Parents who don’t pick their kids up from daycare until 5:30-6, when you know they could’ve been there MUCH earlier!

Slow drivers, especially those who drive slowly in the passing lane on the interstate

Liars, and people who lie excessively and obviously

People who talk on the phone while driving, I HATE THAT!

Spelling words with 3 extra letters, for example loveeee and hotttt


Awkward, uncomfortable situations

Drunk drivers, that really upsets me, especially when they kill innocent people

Skater boys

Dumb irresponsible pregnant teenagers that don’t realize the consequences of not using birth control and/or condoms! This is especially bad when the girl is like 13-14 years old

Being broke!

Paying bills, especially rent and car payments

Boogers and snot

The smell of vomit, that’s one thing I can’t deal with when working with kids

Rapists and kidnappers, they all should go to Hell


People who pretend to like you but really don’t. Ok, I’ll pretend to like you too

When people do something illegal, and there is no cop around to catch them! But there’s always a cop around when you’re not wearing a seatbelt or if you’re driving 5 miles over the speed limit.

Waiting for someone to call or email back but they never do


Mountain Dew and similar pops

People who post retarded drunk pictures on their profiles, and I mean not just one picture, they dedicate an entire album to their drunk weekends – grow up!

Taking out the garbage

Cleaning the bathroom, definitely not my favorite chore

Mail-in rebates, just give me the discount when I buy the product, don’t make me wait a month to get my money back

Bridgeville PA traffic, you have no idea how bad it is unless you drive in it everyday

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Harry Potter, gayest movies ever

Being late, I hate when I’m waiting for someone and they are late, but they don’t call to let you know

Having blood taken, it sucks, and it always leaves a huge bruise on my arm

Paying taxes

Loud, obnoxious neighbors, especially my Indian neighbors who invite a bunch of people over at midnight during the week, and you can just smell the curry throughout the entire apartment building!


Having a tonsillectomy, probably the worst pain I’ve ever been in!

Sauerkraut, just the smell of it is enough to make me throw up

Waiting in line, and actually, waiting for anything! I have NO patience whatsoever.

Noisy grocery buggies

People who don’t replace the empty toilet paper roll with a new roll.

Trying to find an empty hanger in the closet

People who don’t cover their nose or mouth when coughing and sneezing

Waiting FOREVER to talk to a customer service rep on the phone, and going through all the annoying steps to talk to a person! I hate dialing 1 for English, etc.

Hot humid days that make your skin feel sticky and gross

People who constantly talk about themselves and never ask about you

Star Wars

KinderCare Learning Center, enough said. Bad experiences here.

Adults who act like children

People who write on themselves with Sharpies

All those retarded MTV shows like Real World

Dumb girls who get tattoos of their boyfriend’s name, thinking they are going to be together forever, but then they break up a week later

Waking up too early and not being able to fall back asleep

Being accused for something I didn’t do

Men who cheat on their girlfriends and wives

Men who abuse their girlfriends and wives

Men who leave their girlfriends and wives when they find out they are pregnant. This just shows how much men are cowards, that they can’t stick around and take responsibility for the child they made, leaving the women to do all the work of raising the kid.

Sore throats, and being sick in general

Power and cable outages

High interest rates, on any type of loan or credit card

People who talk with their mouth full of food, it’s disgusting!

People who don’t have manners in general

Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn. I cannot stand them!

Drivers who don’t turn their turn signal on when turning


Chewing tobacco

When people don’t turn their high beams off when you pass them

People who talk on the phone in the grocery store, standing in the middle of an aisle, completely ignoring other people who are trying to get by. I want to punch them in the head

Drivers who tailgate, even when you are going the speed limit or above the speed limit, get off my ass!

Old people who can’t drive, especially those who drive big ass Cadillacs or Crown Vics, and some can’t even see over the steering wheel! PA needs to revoke their licenses, or re-test them!

Rude cashiers at the grocery store. I’ve worked at Shop n Save and I know it sucks, but there’s no reason to be rude to customers unless they are rude to you first.

Cashiers and baggers who talk about getting drunk this weekend, or talk about making out with their boyfriend/girlfriend last night. ARE YOU SERIOUS!? This is why I go to older cashiers at Giant Eagle.

Loud humming

Men who are openly gay, by talking gay, dressing gay and making sure everyone that knows they are gay! Just keep it to yourself, please.

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Old perverted men or perverts in general, especially people who possess child porn.

Ordering a PLAIN cheeseburger at McDonalds, and getting it with everything on it.

Stupid girls that go to Pittsburgh Penguin games all glittered up with signs that say Marry Me Sidney! (referring to Sidney Crosby).

Excessive PDA (Public Display of Affection).

Talking in front of a group of people, I hate public speaking.

Pop up ads, even with pop-up blocker turned on

Talking to a non-English speaking foreigner on the phone, and not understanding a goddamn word they are saying. I just want to talk to someone who speaks ENGLISH!!!

Annoying noises, like cracking knuckles and nails on a chalkboard

CDs that get scratched and skip when you want to play them

Computer viruses and people who make them and send them, don’t you have anything else better to do?

Get ripped off and cheated out of money

Work at home scams, isn’t there anything legit out there??

Pickles, yuck!

Spoof emails and the people who send them to you!

Commercials during a good TV show, or during the Steeler game. I can’t even watch more than 1 play before another commercial comes on!

People who are full of themselves, I hate cockiness!

Littering, it’s not that hard to find a garbage can

People who are rude or mean for no reason whatsoever!

Little dogs that are about the size of a cat. They are just not for me, I like big, mean looking dogs.

emo, screamo I hate the world, I want to kill myself kind of music

Deep, dark water, in which I can’t touch or see the bottom

Overweight people who wear too tight clothes, making parts of the body visible that we don’t want to see!

Drama. People that cause it and people that feed off of it. I hate drama queens, and kings too.

People who stand too close to you when in line, especially at the ATM. Back off!

Waiting for your luggage at baggage claim at the airport, with tons of other people elbowing and pushing their way in.

Sitting or standing in the middle of 2 people, it makes me so uncomfortable.

Getting car sick, which I frequently get.

Kids and teenagers who post dumb questions on Yahoo Answers, like Am I hot? or Am I pregnant?

People who walk their dogs and don’t clean up after them when they take a crap in the yard

Bad breath and disgusting body odor, take a shower and brush your teeth please!

Being stressed out.

12 year olds that post pictures of themselves in bikinis on MySpace, no wonder they get kidnapped, raped and killed

Hearing nothing but bad shit on the news. I’m sick of the shootings, fires and deaths.

Guys who wear WAY too much cologne or girls who wear WAY too much perfume.

People who don’t keep their cars clean, and have loads of garbage in the backseat and trunk.

Dirty, smelly houses with packrat inhabitants. Ever watch Clean House? Yuck.

Walking into a store and immediately being asked “Can I help you find anything?” by a store employee.

People with bad dental hygiene, with disgusting yellow, rotting teeth. You know, there is a such thing as a dentist and a toothbrush.

When people say ‘no offense’ when they say something completely offensive to you.

Attention whores, and people who make it a point to get attention for themselves.

People who say true statements, such as “you’re fat”, then say “just kidding!”

Doing favors for people and not getting anything back in return

Women who tan way too much. It’s so obvious and fake!

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People who can’t admit when they’re wrong, and can’t argue their point.

Broken promises.

Getting my hopes up for something, and it never happens.

People who say Oh my God or OMG! excessively

Old people who pay for things with a handful of change. Is this really necessary?

Drivers who don’t know how to park and they take up like 3 spots

Parents who let their kids misbehave in public and don’t punish them

Minivans and huge SUVs, and the women who can’t drive them

People who have a lot of money, but they’re cheap

Spoiled rotten children and parents who let it happen!

Retarded cartoons nowadays, they are nothing like they were when I was a kid.

Wasting food

People who take advantage of welfare, when they don’t even need it

Popular people in school who think that the clothes they wear or the car they drive really matter. Just wait until you get into the real world.

Men or women who burp and fart excessively, and make it known that they are doing it, without any attempt to hide it.

Nothing to watch on TV, and nothing to listen to on the radio.

Dirty public restrooms.

People who put extra salt on already salty foods.

People who only care about themselves, and could give a shit about others

Cancer, AIDS and other life-terminating illnesses. I wish a cure could be found.

People who pretend to be someone they’re not.

People who stare at you constantly, for no good reason.

White people who try to act black. That’s dumb.

People who are superstitious about every little thing.

Being lost in an unfamiliar place.

The price of a bottle of Miller Lite, which is $2.75 at most bars I go to!

Even worse, the price of mixed drinks, such as my favorite, a Long Island Iced Tea is $6.00!

Women who put makeup on in the car while driving.

Coca-Cola. To me, it tastes terrible!

Pizza with too much sauce on it, I’m not a big fan of sauce anyway.

Meat with bones in it, although I can eat chicken wings. Weird.

Morning breath, and there’s no way around it!

When I’m talking and someone interrupts me.

Migraine headaches.

Materialistic women that marry men just for their money, looks, job, status, etc.

Irresponsible people who don’t know how to use guns properly, and end up killing innocent people.

Over-religious people who let religion control their ENTIRE lives. I believe in God and all, but when people make religious remarks about everything, it gets on my nerves.

Mini skirts with leggings and high heels. That is the ugliest outfit I’ve ever seen.

Drinking straight from the gallon jug, it’s not that hard to get a glass.

People who go through with express lane with more than 10 items, and I don’t mean just 11 or 12, I’m talking like 16-17 things.

Going through self-checkout and something goes wrong, and then I have to wait for someone to come fix it.

People who abuse sleeping pills.

Kids who abuse cough medicine and other OTC drugs, making it harder for people to buy it, who really need it.

Going to the doctor with unusual symptoms, but then the doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with you. It’s frustrating.