Articles for tag: Couples Retreat, Vince Vaughn, Wedding Crashers

Karla News

Vince Vaughn’s 11 Top Movies

Do you think Vince Vaughn in a funny guy and do you love his movies? Here is a list of Vince Vaughn’s top movies from past, present, and future. 1. “Wedding Crashers” -2 friends decide to crash weddings over the summer for the free food and to hook up with girls. 2. “Old School” – ...

Karla News

Top Ten Comedies of the 2000s

As the 00’s come to an end, I take a look back at my top 10 comedies from the past decade. These movies are all movies I’ve watched more than one time, and will laugh again as I watch them down the road. In no particular order: Old School. This 2003 flick currently stands as ...

Karla News

Interview with Sebastian Maniscalco

Sebastian Maniscalo has been pursing his stand-up career for ten years now and another “golden boy” of comedy has come through a lot of hard work and sacrifice. Sebastian has been on many late show programs but his recent role in Vince Vaughn Wild West Comedy Show (VVWWCS) has enabled Sebastian’s star to grow. The ...

Karla News

Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston – the “Real” Breakup

On October 5th a statement in a press release revealed that the relationship between Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston, so hot and heavy just months ago, was over. I haven’t looked out the window lately but last time I checked the world had not come to an end. Radio stations were still playing music, the ...