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Muscle and Fitness Workouts – How to Build Chest Muscles

Chest Exercises, Dumbbells

One of the bigger areas of improvements that most people want from their muscle and fitness workouts is their chest. They want to know how to build chest muscles so they can have a big powerful looking chest. Here are some excellent chest exercises that can have you developing a bigger chest in no time.


I am a big believer in the power of using dumbbells in any workout to build up muscles. For this exercise you want to sit down on a flat bench with the dumbbells resting on your thighs. Now, lay back and bring the dumbbells up to where they are on the outside of your chest.

Raise them up and let them touch together at the top. Slowly bring them down and repeat. Try for 3 sets of 6 reps with this exercise. It’s important to do these with a weight that you can do 3 sets with. As you begin building more muscle you can add more weight.

Bench Press

This is an age old standard that I think most everyone knows how to perform. The keys here are to be sure and have a spotter and lift with your hands holding the bar farther apart than your shoulders.

Although the bench press is a good exercise for muscle and fitness workouts, I believe you will find the dumbbell press to be the more effective of the two.

Inclined Dumbbell Press

If you already know how to build chest muscles then you may know how powerful this exercise can be.

Again, you will do the same thing you did on the flat bench, except you will use an inclined bench. As you start the exercise you should have the dumbbells up at shoulder height. Next, raise them up and bring them together at the top.

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This is an excellent exercise to build pectorals and the front deltoids.


This is a multi-muscle building exercise that not only helps build chest muscle, but also the triceps.

The key to getting the most out of doing dips is to lower your body all the way down. Do 2 sets of 10 of these exercises. Then when you reach the point where this becomes easy, simply attach a weight plate to your belt.

These are four simple, but powerful solutions in knowing how to build chest muscles. Incorporate them into your muscle and fitness workouts and you will be extremely pleased with the results.
