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Menopause: What Every Man Should Know

Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause is considered a life cycle in women involving both the physical and emotional functions of the body. For women, the entry into menopause signifies a progression in the aging process which is not simply an indication of passing beyond the child bearing years. For men, understanding the emotional and physical symptoms of menopause, in addition to methods for simple items which can decrease symptoms at home, will offer much improved emotional and physical health in the relationship.

Emotional symptoms of menopause are varied and complex. Most often, menopausal symptoms may include irritability, depression, some memory loss, anxiety and feeling as if everything is “going wrong. While a few women view menopause as a new chapter in life, embraced as a renewed beginning, most women fight the process. For the women struggling with menopause, this period is marked by a significant hormonal fluctuation for which many women fall prey and begin to become melancholy and face this period as an end to their lives. For women with signficant emotional distress, finding local support groups is vitally important to maintaining emotional health as well as seeking out the advice and counsel of other women. As a man supporting a woman, emotionally, through menopause making a conscious effort to hear the woman’s complaints and simple listen to her needs and desires will ensure she feels more supported.

Physical symptoms of menopause may also include a varied realm of possibilities including hot flashes, in which the woman may feel extremely hot and perspire for unknown reasons. Additionally, some women begin to suffer from noctural insomnia in which sleep is interrupted frequently at night. For men, a common, and noticeable symptom, may be the woman’s sudden loss of interest in sexual activity and an increase in vaginal dryness which creates a painful sensation during intercourse. Physically, you may also notice she has begun to lose some thickness in her hair and may begin to gain weight. As physical symptoms worsen, coupled with emotional distress, a consultation with a medical practitioner may be appropriate to address hormone replacement therapy. As a man supporting a woman through menopause, recognizing the physical symptoms and providing home remedies such as pain relievers, refreshing teas and waters, will ensure she feels more supported through her physical battle.

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As the spouse of a woman entering into menopause, offering and supporting the process with home remedies can prove significant in terms of her personal health but also the health of the relationship and family process. In addition to pain relievers, refreshing teas and cooling waters, men may consider including simple gestures of love such as flowers, body lotions, a gentle kiss on the cheek or a delicate massage. For women with more significant symptoms, men may consider at home remedies such as heating and ice packs, specialized pillows and a change in the sexual direction of the relationship so as to improve intimacy without intercourse. Additionally, men can perform daily household chores in an effort to improve to demonstrate a willingness to support the menopausal process as a natural part of life.

For many women, menopause is not a period of life eagerly anticipated. With the support of family and friends, many women find the menopausal transition is much easier to bear especially when supported by a husband or life partner who shows compassion during the emotional and physical changes women endure during this period.
