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Marvel Studios President Hints at Upcoming Movies

Doctor Strange, The Avengers Movie

Marvel movies head honcho Kevin Feige spoke to Empire Magazine about the upcoming slate of Marvel superhero movies. Of course, Phase 2 has already been set in motion, with “Iron Man 3,” “Thor: The Dark World,” “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Avengers 2” all set for release over the next three years. However, Marvel is always looking ahead and Feige gave some hints as to what was coming next.


Already planned is the diminutive superhero, “Ant-Man.” Edgar Wright, the brilliant British director who helmed “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” and “Shaun of the Dead” is directing the movie. The hero was one of the original Avengers in the comics, although he was left out of “The Avengers” movie, possibly because Wright already had a plan in motion. Hank Pym is a brilliant scientist who takes on the role of the pint sized hero, and then later a former criminal named Scott Lang stole the “Pym particles” that allowed Pym to shrink, so he could use them to save his daughter. Both men are rumored to be in the movie, but that is all that is known at this time.

“The Hulk”

In a recent interview, “The Avengers” director Joss Whedon said that he did not envy the men who tried to bring The Hulk to the big screen in solo adventures. While Mark Ruffalo was perfect in his role in “The Avengers,” it is much harder to give the big green guy his own solo adventure. However, with the popularity of The Hulk from “The Avengers,” Marvel is trying to figure out how to do it. One way mentioned might be “Planet Hulk,” which is like The Hulk meets “Gladiator.” There is a lot that needs to go into this, but it could lead to “The Avengers 3,” with Hulk returning for vengeance in “World War Hulk.

See also  Which Marvel Comics Characters Should Be in the Avengers Movie?

“Doctor Strange”

The next name mentioned has been spoken of since Phase 1. Doctor Strange was a brilliant and arrogant neurosurgeon who was involved in an auto accident, suffering nerve damage to his hands, ending his career. He set out to find himself and ended up learning the mystical arts from a master. In the Marvel Universe, Doctor Strange is the most powerful magician in the world, and a movie that tells his origin story could make for a great, entertaining, story. However, in the wrong hands, it could be another “Ghost Rider.”

“Namor, the Sub Mariner”

The final name mentioned was a surprise. Feige name dropped Namor, the Sub Mariner. This is a shock because Namor is closely tied to both The Fantastic Four and X-Men, both Fox properties. However, the fact that Feige mentioned him means that Marvel owns his rights. Namor actually goes back to the World War II comic book era, as he teamed with Captain America, Bucky and the android Human Torch in The Invaders. As a result, Namor ties into Captain America first, and could be introduced through him for his own comic. Honestly, this would be the most difficult of the properties for Marvel to get right.

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