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Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

Are you are under a great deal of stress and concerned with your blood pressure? You can do several things to your self to decrease your blood pressure, without taking pills or over the counter medicines. Hand massages, changes in diet and a change in routine may be all you need to your lower blood pressure by 10 points or more.

Take a Deep Breath

Learning the art of deep breathing will help you relax and feel refreshed. Sitting quietly in a comfortable position with your feet relaxed and flat on the floor. Breathe in deeply to the count of seven. Fill your chest with air and then slowly exhale to the count of seven. Repeat deep breathing 5 times and you will feel your body relax and your brain clear. Doing this while waiting for the nurse to take my blood pressure has helped me lower my pressure several points without having to shift postion or change the pressure cuff.

Sit Up Straight

Studies have shown that slouching while sitting can raise your blood pressure by 15% or more. When you slouch, your blood does not flow easily and your heart has to work harder to circulate blood to all parts of your body. To sit properly while you work, pick a chair with a firm back that is low enough so that your feet rest on the floor. Then place a small rolled up towel in the small of your back to keep your posture correct. Stretch at least once an hour and take a deep breath.

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Massage Your Fingers

A simple hand massage can lower your blood pressure by as much as 10 points. Your hands are filled with pressure receptors that send messages directly to the brain, putting you in a calm, relaxed state. Massage your fingers by gently rubbing each finger from the base to the tip and gently pulling and twisting as you go the length of the finger. Next, gently squeeze the skin between your thumb and first finger. Do this for 10 minutes at least three times a week, and certainly before you visit your doctor for a blood pressure reading.

Sing or Hum a Favorite Song

Singing can turn off the stress hormones that increase your blood pressure. According to recent studies, singing your favorite songs for 20 minutes daily can send your cortisol levels plunging by 25% or more. Listening to gospel songs, hymns or golden oldies, or what ever type of music calms and inspires you, can have the effect of slowing your heart rate and relaxing your heart muscles, which in turn lowers your blood pressure.

Eat Without Starving

Instead of worrying about what not to eat and how to lose weight to bring down your blood pressure, start adding food to your diet. Not any old food, but good food. Eat one fruit with every meal and have fruit for a 10 a.m. snack. That is 4 servings of fruit each day. Then add one green, yellow or red vegetable to lunch and dinner, with a light lettuce salad. You can munch on crunchy orange carrots, cool green cucumbers, sweet yellow bell peppers, and crispy lettuce while your dinner is cooking or while watching television from the couch. No cooking is required on most fruits and vegetables. By eating at least 7 fruits and vegetables each day, you will feel better and be eating a more nutritionally sound diet, plus you will be less likely to eat junk food as you will be full on fruit and vegetables.

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