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Longterm Blackhead Eradication

Longterm, Pores

Blackheads are the bane of everyone’s personal care regimen. They do not care if you have oily or dry skin, they show up en masse and frustration soars. What is the long-term solution?

Your Pores are Inflexible. Pores open and close to breathe and expel sweat, but after they have been clogged with dirt for long periods of time, they become inflexible and collect more dirt. Even if you use nose strips or dig out the blackheads in other ways, they stay open rather than being flexible as they should. The only things which will bring back flexibility is to keep them cleaned out all of the time, keep them lightly moisturized and to maintain this until they begin closing and regaining their former flexibility.

Cleaning Your Pores. If you have long nails, you will have less pain than if you have to use tweezers. Either way, you will have to press a small edge right next to each pore until all the gunk is squeezed out. Make sure to keep pressing because a very long snake of gunk can come out of each pore and it is different depending upon the location and the size of each pore. You will have to do this with every single blackhead on your nose and your face, which will end up being rather painful, but you will find afterward that your skin and nasal passages can breathe quite easily. The difference will be noticeable.

Pore Maintenance. Now that you have done your initial cleaning, you must keep all of your pores completely empty every single day, with no exception. Every day, you must run your small edge of metal or nail along your nose, around your nostrils and over your face. Only a little bit of dirt or gunk will need to be cleaned out every day, but you absolutely must keep this up, or the pores will fill back in and the problem will begin all over again. After you are done with your daily scraping, you must hydrate your pores. Use a tiny drop of dish soap on a coarse wet washcloth and scrub your face, neck and ears thoroughly every day, always remembering to finish off with a nice, thorough, cold rinse.

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Flexible Pores. In about a week, your pores will begin to show signs of flexibility. Keep scraping and soaping on a daily basis and soon your pores will begin to close up naturally. This means that you will breathe better through your nose now that your skin is able to breathe. However, this invites breathing or sucking dirt back into your pores, so you must keep up your daily regimen.

When taking care of your skin, remember to not clog up your pores with anything else, such as makeup or heavy face cream. Always use a primer before applying makeup to keep it away from your skin. Your blackhead days are over!