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Grandma’s Old Fashion Blackhead Removal Remedies


Blackheads are skins worst enemy. They make the pores look big and full of dirt and cause the skin to breakout with nasty blemishes if they are not removed from the skin carefully and safely. In my family when any of us females get blackheads, we use our great grandmother’s blackhead remedies to remove them and rid them from our skin. Best of all, the two remedies are all natural and earth friendly.

Homemade Blackhead Removing Strips

The remedy is a homemade blackhead-removing strip made with sticky notepaper, flour, warm water and honey. At first when my great grandma told me that sticky notepaper was in her recipe, I did laugh, but then she explained why. The first thing you do to make the homemade blackhead removing strips is make the glue that helps the strip stick to the blackheads. The glue is made by using about a tablespoon of flour, a half teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of warm water and combining the ingredients together to form a creamy warm smooth mixture that is not too thick or too thin. However, if you find the mixture is too thick add another half teaspoon of water and if you find the mixture to thin add another pinch or two of flour. However, I prefer my glue mixture slightly runny back I find it dries faster and works better with sticky to the blackheads. Once the glue is made, you take one square three by three inches sticky note, fold it three ways the long way so you end up with three even sections and cut the sections into strips. Once you have three long three inch strips, dip one into the glue mixture you just made until it is soaked and then apply it carefully to your nose like you would a typically blackhead removing strip. Next, allow the blackhead strip to dry onto your nose. This process takes about thirty to forty minutes so make sure you have a good amount of time to do this step. Once the blackhead strip is dry, carefully remove it from the nose. After, you should see the blackheads on the blackhead strip instead of our nose. Now this remedy also works for removing blackheads from your chin, forehead and cheeks as well. This is by far our family’s favorite blackhead remedy.

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Homemade Blackhead Removal Facial Mask

Another remedy my great grandma always made for us to use, and I still use today is the homemade blackhead removal facial mask. The facial mask is made with two tablespoons of honey, a pinch or two of ground cinnamon and a half teaspoon of vitamin E oil and combined together to form a slightly thick golden cinnamon scent facial mask. Once the facial mask is made, it is best to apply it to the skin right away in a nice thin even layer all over the face. After you have applied the mask, it is best to leave it on for a good thirty minutes. I typically do longer than thirty minutes when I have stubborn blackheads, but if thirty minutes is all you have time for that is just as good. Now as this mask sits on the skin it will feel warm and soothing. The reason why this facial mask rids blackheads is that the cinnamon helps exfoliate the skin why the honey helps cleanse the skin from dirt, oil, old makeup, dead skin cells and harmful bacteria. The vitamin E in the mask acts as an antioxidants that helps soft the skin, prevent and rid signs of aging and helps heal it from blemishes and acne. When the mask is ready to come off all you have to do is wipe and rinse your face down with some warm water and a facial cloth. After, your skin will be glowing and radiant as well as blackhead free. If you find you still have some stubborn blackheads after removing the mask you can take a piece of clear tape, stick the tape to the stubborn blackhead area really well and then pull the tape up carefully. After, the stubborn blackhead should be on the piece of clear tape instead of your skin, but if this trick does not work either just keep using this facial mask once a day and you should see improvements in your skin.

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Bottom Lines for Blackhead Removal

Blackheads are stubborn skin problems that can be removed simply and affordably at home using these two basic blackhead remedies. However, if you are allergic to any of the ingredients used in these blackhead remedies I advise you not to use them. So far, the females in my household have never had a reaction to any of these remedies and the results we see from using them are outstanding. I hope those of you who use my great grandma’s blackhead remedies will find them helpful and enjoyable as well.