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Katy Perry’s Best Songs

Katy Perry is an American song writer and singer that has recently exploded onto the scene. If you’ve heard any of her songs, you know just what a great performer she is. Since she’s so new, you may be wondering what her best songs are. Well wonder no more! In this article, I’ll be counting down her top 10 best songs.

10. Ur So Gay
Many teenagers use ‘gay’ as an insult without actually realizing what it means. In this song, Katy Perry pokes fun at those people. She talks about her current boyfriend, and how he’s really much more feminine then her. She jokes around in the song, telling him that “You’re so gay, but you don’t even like boys.”

What makes this one of Katy Perry’s best songs is the humor used in it.

9. Hot’N’Cold
This song is about a couple who can’t seem to figure out what they want in a relationship. One minute they’re deeply in love, but the next they’re at each others throats. Because the song delivers a realistic message, anyone who has ever been in a relationship can relate to the frustration in this song.

What makes Hot’N’Cold one of Katy Perry’s best songs is its upbeat temple. Once you hear it once, you can’t help but love it.

8. Last Friday Night
Those who love partying will love this song too. It starts out with Katy Perry waking up and finding strangers in her bed, and glitter all over her room. You can tell instantly that this came from a wild night of partying. As the song goes on, Katy Perry starts to remember just what happened Last Friday Night, and sings about it in detail.

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What makes this one of Katy Perry’s best songs is that it’s actually pretty realistic. If you’ve ever gone out drinking, you’ve probably had too much and woken up to a very odd scene like Katy Perry describes in the song.

7. Teenage Dream
This song describes Katy Perry in a relationship with a guy who treats her wonderfully. She can’t believe how lucky she is, and because she’s so happy, she believes she’s living a ‘Teenage Dream’.

What makes this one of Katy Perry’s best songs is that it describes something that all of us want. All girls want to find a boy who thinks they’re pretty without any makeup, and will treat us like a princess.

6. I Kissed A Girl
The song that started it all was I Kissed A Girl. Just as the title states, Katy Perry kisses a girl just to see what it would be like. She finds that she enjoys it, because, as she states, girls are softer and smell nicer. Who can argue with that?

What makes this one of Katy Perry’s best songs is that it’s never been done before. Sexuality is a confusing thing that many people struggle with for most their life. Until this song was released, you never heard singers talking openly about their sexuality, and more importantly, how confusing it can be.

5. California Girls
In this song, Katy Perry talks about life in California. She sings about what it’s like to live there and why she enjoys it so much.

What makes this one of Katy Perry’s best songs is it’s summery feel. Even if you don’t live in California, you can still appreciate the thought of laying under a palm tree while sipping on a cool drink.

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4. Fingerprints
For anyone who has ever been told they’re not to dream, this is a great song to listen to. Katy Perry talks about how she refuses to settle for any less than what she knows she’s worth. She refuses to go down without a fight, so instead, she stands up and makes it happen.

What makes this one of Katy Perry’s best songs is that it delivers a very important lesson. If you believe it, you can achieve it. It’s this very attitude that helped Katy Perry gain fame.

3. Hummingbird heartbeat
This song describes what it feels like to be in love very well. Indeed, it does feel like your head is pounding like a hummingbird’s heartbeat.

What makes this song one of Katy Perry’s best is that she was able to capture a raw emotion and turn it into a beautiful piece of music.

2. Waking up in Vegas
Everyone knows that Vegas is crazy, but in this song, Katy Perry describes just how crazy it can be. She wakes up after a night in the big city only to find that she got married to previous night! The way Katy Perry handles herself in this song is great. Instead of freaking out over getting married to a stranger, she tells him to man up and deal with it.

What makes this one of Katy Perry’s best songs is everything! The catchy song, funny lyrics, and the way she expresses her emotional in the song is great.

And Katy Perry’s best song is….

1. Peacock
The reason I’ve selected this song as Katy Perry’s best is because of it’s catchy upbeat tempo and humor. If you haven’t heard this song yet, that’s probably because it’s hard to play on the radio. ‘Peacock’ is actually a clever play on words, similar to Britney Speaks “If U Seek Amy”. This song is definitely not suitable for young children, but those who will understand the lyrics will find it very comical.

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Between the lyrics, word play, and tempo, this song is unique. Anyone who listens to Katy Perry will love hearing this song.