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Is a Detox Diet for You?

Detox, Detox Diets, Detoxification Diet

What is Detox?
“Body detoxification refers to a natural way of assisting the body in the elimination of toxin and accumulated poison that can interfere with one’s quality of life,” says Dr. Lynn Hardy ND. Author of “Why is Every Other American Chronically Ill?”

It is believed the body absorbs toxins from foods, medications and the environment. Even unknown food allergies contribute to constant illnesses. But following a particular diet, one can removed all or most of these toxins thus leading to a healthier body. Some claim that Detox diets can not only cleanse the digestive track but also purify the blood stream, give a person more energy, loose weight, and prevent and cure disease. These theories have not bee scientifically proven.

What is a Detox Diet?
Detox diets vary, but please note that they are usually designed for “cleaning out” your colon and purge the digestive and gastrointestinal systems of toxin buildup in the intestines and bowels. These are NOT designed for weight loss.

Most diets involve some version of a fast – that is giving up food for a period of time then gradually reintroducing certain foods into the diet. Many times herbs and spices are added to teas or juices to aid in the “purification” of the intestines and colon. Some diets are strictly juice or water but it is best to have some sort of food to ingest.

Examples of Detox Diets
The basic Detox Diet consists of a few days spent prior to fasting to prepare the digestive tract. Fish oils may be consumed and certain foods. A day of fasting is spent being physically quiet (like a mini vacation) and drinking water, juices or specially prepared Detox teas. After the fast, foods are reintroduced in a certain order with a focus on fiber content.

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Many diets consist of one or two days on a completely liquid diet than another 4-5 days of brown rice, fruit and steamed vegetables. Then after eating these foods, introduce other foods. This may be repeated until the desired affect has been reached.

Some doctors will put patients on a form of a Detox diet to pinpoint a food allergy. That is why milk, soy, and meat products as well as alcohol are completely removed from the list.

According to Dr. Hardy, years of toxic buildup cannot be expunged in one day or even 7 days or two weeks, and recommends a supplement. There are herbal and natural supplements available on the market to assist in a longer, healthier body. These supplements become a part of an every day routine to balance the body and maintain optimal health for major organs.

What to Watch Out For
First of all, do not start a Detox diet without consulting with a doctor, dietitian or an organic nutritionist. Foods in one diet may be work for one person, while the same food may cause gas or other problems for another person. Make sure you ingest enough of the right foods to maintain the fuel your body needs.

Detox diets should never be used by teens or children. This age group tends to be more physically active and growing. Their bodies need all the nutrients they can get. Fasting for teens can be dangerous.

People with diabetes, low blood sugar or eating disorders should not go on Detox diets.

Beware of Detox supplements that may actually be nothing more than laxatives. These can cause dehydration, mineral imbalance and problems with the digestive system. Have a professional advise you; or for those already on an organic diet, check with a trusted health food store clerk.

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Watch that weight loss! With Detox diets, weight loss is common but is usually caused by the fasting and most of it is water, some may be muscle. Fasting for longer periods of time can slow a person’s metabolism down, making it harder to keep the weight off.

In Conclusion
A Detox Diet is for you if you simply wish to “cleanse” you digestive system and develop a healthier eating/living lifestyle. The added benefit of this diet is giving up unhealthy foods, fast foods, and other items full of preservatives and additives which can make some people very ill. It works great when used with quiet exercise programs such as Yoga, walking, and other low-impact activity. One will feel better and sleep better when following all the steps. But always, check with a professional before starting any kind of diet.
