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Indoor Mushroom Growing Kits


Take your love for mushrooms and cooking with mushrooms to a whole new level of satisfaction. Grow your own Certified Organic mushroom patch indoors from a kit, sold online by WheatGrassKits.com.

Indoor Mushroom Growing Kits

According to WheatGrassKits.com, the company’s mushroom kits are all Certified Organic by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. They also state all their seeds are Non-GMO (not genetically modified or genetically engineered).Learn more about “The Non-GMO Project.”

What Kits Consist Of – The mushroom patch kit contains “pure mushroom mycelium, growing on a sterilized medium or substrate.” In simple terms, a substrate in this case, is a surface where an organism is attached or grows.

The substrate in the kit will vary, according to which kind of mushroom you will be growing. If you buy a Shitake mushroom growing kit, the Shitakes grow on a mixture of hardwood sawdust and wood chips, which has been enriched with nutrients.

If you decide to try your hand at growing the Pearl Oyster Mushroom Patch, the kit’s substrate is a bag of pasteurized wheat straw. The mushroom patches will eventually deplete the nutrients needed to grow any more mushrooms; however, some of them can be tossed into the compost pile and returned to the earth from whence they came!

Some of the other indoor mushroom patch varieties available at WheatGrassKits.com include Nameko, Maitake, Reishi, Children’s King Tuber and Pioppino, which is a mushroom popular in Italy for its mild flavor.

Fun Family Project – Letting children grow an indoor mushroom patch would be a super-fun, family project. Once the mushrooms are harvested, plan a meal using the home-grown mushrooms. Let the kids take part in finding a recipe and cooking the meal with their mushroom labor of love.

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Growing Process – You do not need to have a green thumb to grow your own scrumptious mushrooms. Your kit will include a humidity tent, which you simply use to cover the mushroom patch. Following the directions that come with the kit, all you will do is water and watch your mushrooms grow.

Note: The indoor mushroom growing kits do vary slightly in ideal growing temperature; so if you plan to grow several kinds of mushrooms, be sure to check the growing temperature called for when ordering.

Shitake Mushroom Patch Harvest – With Shitake mushrooms being one of the most popular in cooking, not to mention healthy to eat, I am citing this particular indoor mushroom patch as to harvest and yield.

According to WheatGrassKit.com, the Shitake mushrooms in the patch can be harvested at two-week intervals for approximately 16 weeks. Surprisingly, this kit produces about 2 -3 pounds of Shitake’s for 12 – 16 weeks; maybe not enough mushrooms for a shroom lover, but sufficient.

Cost of Indoor Mushroom Growing Kit

WheatGrassKits.com offers ten different kits and the prices start at $18. If you want to show off by cooking with something you grew yourself…try the simplicity of an indoor mushroom growing kit.



*wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn – “Substrate” definition
