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I Use a Neti Pot for My Allergies

Allergy Medicine, Bacterial Meningitis, Neti Pots, Sinuses

I can always tell when spring has arrived. No, not with my calendar, but with my nose. I suffer chronic allergies and have for over 20 years. I used to be allergic only to dust. Now, pretty much anything in nature from trees to flowers to pollen can irritate my sinuses. I have good allergy medicine that I use once a day. But for days when my nose just can’t stop itching, I pull out my neti pot.

What is a neti pot?

The neti pot is a small teapot shaped device that helps irrigate your sinuses. Its origins are found in Indian culture as part of Ayurveda medicine, which has been practiced for centuries. Neti pots are usually ceramic or stainless steel and you only need to add warm water and salt to use it. I bought mine at Whole Foods four years ago for $13, but you can find them cheaper at some pharmacies and health food stores.

How does the neti pot work?

Add ¼ teaspoon of salt to 8oz of warm water and wait about 10 minutes for it to dissolve. Add saltwater to the neti pot. Place the spout end of the neti pot in one nostril, tilt your head to the opposite side, and lean forward slightly. Pour the saltwater into your nostril and let it come out the other side. Continue to breathe through your mouth. Repeat with the other nostril. You’ll use 3-4oz of saltwater in each nostril. It took me a good 2-3 sessions before I learned to do this without gagging so don’t worry if your first time is unsuccessful.

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Are there times when you shouldn’t use a neti pot?

Don’t use it when you are very congested. You’ll end up adding more pressure to your already inflamed and clogged sinuses and that can be painful. You should not use a neti pot daily. A 2009 study found daily use of a neti pot can interfere with your natural immune system and cause recurring infections. I only use mine when my sinuses are very irritated. So I use it maybe once or twice a month. And don’t use a neti pot when you have an active nose bleed. It can cause irritation.

Is a neti pot safe? I heard people died after using them.

Here’s the scoop. In December 2011, two people in Louisiana died after using neti pots because the tap water they used was contaminated with a deadly parasite. The tap water was safe for drinking but not for irrigating sinuses, which allowed the parasite access to the brain and caused a bacterial meningitis. So the neti pot itself did not kill these people. That’s why you should use filtered or distilled water when using your neti pot. If you use tap water, boil it first to kill any potential bacteria.


ABC News, Neti Pot Once a Day Can Cause Infections, November 11, 2009

ABC News, Louisiana Issues Neti Pot Warning After Two Fatal Infections, December 16, 2011

HimalayanInstitute.org The Neti Pot