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Allergic to Dust and Dust Mites?

Allergy Sufferers, Bagless Vacuum, Dust Mites

If you have allergies to dust or dust mites, you know that you can be sniffling, sneezing and feeling congested all the time. Dust is everywhere. Even in the cleanest houses, dust mites and their dropping lurk to cause misery to allergy sufferers.

Am I Allergic to Dust and Dust Mites?

If you find that you sneeze when you dust or when subjected to a dusty atmosphere, you may have dust and dust mite allergies. If you have never been checked by an allergist, be sure to make an appointment.

If you are allergic to dust and dust mites, a few changes in your bedroom can make a big difference. You spend eight hours a night in your bedroom, so keeping it as allergen free as possible will help to minimize your symptoms.

Remove Knick Knacks

You will want to make sure to keep your bedroom as free of dust and dust mites as possible. You can start by removing any ‘dust collectors’ that aren’t absolutely necessary. If you have many pictures and knick knacks around your bedroom, you may want to find places for them in other rooms.

Knick knacks and pictures will gather much dust even if you dust frequently. Your nasal passages will thank you for moving them elsewhere.

Remove Carpeting if Possible

If possible, someone who is allergic to dust and dust mites shouldn’t have carpeting in their bedroom. Even when vacuumed regularly, there will be left over dust particles which get stirred up every time you walk on the carpet.

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A hard surfaced floor can be cleaned much more thoroughly and can help remove much dust and dust mite residue from the room.

Try Boron

You can purchase Boron at any allergy supply source. One on line source that I have had a good experience with is Allergy Control Products. You can visit their website at www.allergycontrolproducts.com.

Boron is a natural product that will help eliminate dust mites on carpeted or upholstered surfaces. You can apply it every few months and keep dust mites out of these surfaces in your bedroom.

Vacuum Completely

You may want to use a vacuum with a HEPA type filter. This way, dust and other small allergens will not be put right back into the room. A HEPA type filter is able to filter these extremely tiny particles and keep them in your vacuum bag. If you suffer from dust and dust mite allergies, you probably should not use a bagless vacuum as emptying the canister will stir up huge amounts of dust and other particles.

Put a fresh bag in your vacuum, as you will want to be a thorough as possible. Vacuum everything. Make sure to do the walls and ceiling too. Hit all the nooks and crannies and any place that dust can accumulate.

Get an Air Cleaner

You will find a variety of air cleaners on the market which are made for allergy sufferers. Make sure that the one you purchase filters out very small particles.

You should run this filter all the time if possible. Try running it on the high setting while you are not in the bedroom. This way, it will clean the air in your bedroom all day. When you are ready to go to bed, you can turn it down so it is not as loud.

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Encase Your Mattress

Now that your bedroom has been somewhat detoxed, you will need to encase your mattress and box spring in a dust and dust mite proof barrier. Unfortunately, dust mites can accumulate in any mattress and make allergy sufferers miserable.

Make sure to purchase a mattress and box spring encasement from a reputable allergy supply store. Again, you can try www.allergycontrolproducts.com.

You should also be sure to purchase allergy safe covers for your pillows. Your head is resting right on your pillows for hours every night. This is one of the most important purchases you can make.

Washing Your Bedding

Allergy sufferers need to pay strict attention to this. If you don’t wash your bedding in very hot water, the dust and dust mite allergens will remain in your bedding and will continue to aggravate your allergies.

Make sure to wash all of your bedding every week in very hot water. This includes all blankets and comforters. If you don’t wash the blankets and comforters in very hot water along with your sheets and pillow cases, you will be putting allergens right back on to your bed.

Clean Your Night Stand

Last, you will want to make sure that your bed side table is as clean as possible. Remove everything from it that is possible. Clean it often and keep it dust free. Your head is right next to this night stand for many hours every night so be sure not to overlook it.

Discuss Other Remedies with Your Doctor

Be sure to visit an allergist. He or she can help you with allergy shots or medications. Always follow your doctor’s instructions.

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Feel Better and Sleep Well

Hopefully, taking all these steps should help to minimize your dust and dust mite allergy symptoms. There is a lot to keep up with, but you may just find that you are sleeping better and that some of your allergy symptoms disappear.
