Articles for tag: Congestion, Sinus Congestion, Sinus Pain, Sinuses

Natural Remedies for Sinus Congestion

I deal with sinus congestion. It does not happen on a regular basis, but there are some days that I really wish someone had invented a vacuum for the nasal passages and sinus cavities. (That person would probably be rich by now!) Runny eyes, not able to breathe, and just feeling plan miserable – having ...

Karla News

Four Home Remedies for Sinusitis

When your sinuses get inflamed, it can cause fluid to build up and eventually plug the sinus cavities, keeping mucus from draining from the sinuses the way it should. This condition is called sinusitis. When you have sinusitis, it can be hard to breathe through your nose. You might have a headache, and your face ...

Treat Cold Symptoms Naturally – 10 Tips that Work

Treat your cold symptoms naturally with these simple tips. There is no cure for the common cold but these natural treatments can relieve your symptoms. Why suffer needlessly or take medications that do more harm than good? You can treat your symptoms naturally for little or no cost. As a mother of 3 and grandmother ...

How to Treat Sinusitis

Use a natural solution such as a neti pot or nasal bottle filled with warm water and saline to treat sinusitis and relieve the discomfort and pain. Sinusitis can be an acute or chronic condition that is the result of an inflammation of the sinus cavities. Your sinuses may be inflamed due to infection, dry ...

Karla News

Stuffy Nose Remedies

Nobody likes having their nose stuffed up. Your nose stuffed up isn’t fun, it’s not pleasent, and sure isn’t somethign anyone wants or asks for. How does one get rid of it? How does one make it go away once it’s there. That’s the question, and these aqre a few rememdies that just might help. ...

What Are Sinuses?

Sinuses are air cavities within the facial bones. There are four pairs of sinuses that communicate with the nose called the paranasal sinuses. They are named according to their anatomical position, the Frontal, Sphenoid, Ethmoid and Maxillary Sinuses. The Frontal Sinus is located above the eyes. The Sphenoid Sinus is behind the bridge of the ...

Karla News

How to Care for a Sinus Headache

Sinus headaches are arguably one of the most frustrating types of pain because they can be so difficult to care for. When your headache is caused by sinusitis, you must reduce the inflammation in your sinuses to provide any relief from the headache. Some people experience sinus headaches on a daily basis while others enjoy ...

Karla News

Home Remedies for Congestion

From a very young age I suffered from sinus congestion due to my many allergies and in particular my allergic reaction to pollen. If you have ever suffered from allergies or nasal congestion, there are some great ways to get rid of your nasal congestion without the use of medications. These great home remedies for ...

Karla News

Tips for Relieving Your Sinus Infection Discomfort

Sinus Infections can be painful and uncomfortable, and at the best of times they can be resistant to treatment. Your nose may be so congested that it impossible to breathe through it at all, your nose will be red and sore from blowing it so often, and your face and head will be sore from ...

Karla News

What Causes Sinus Infection?

Ever wondered what really causes a sinus infection? There are many possibilities and it is sometimes hard to pinpoint which one is the culprit. You could have gotten it while you are at work, out in the mall, doing a certain activity or even at home so here are some of the known causes of ...