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How to Survive Fatigue with a Newborn

Caffeine Drinks, High Protein Snacks

Ask any bleary-eyed new parent what they wish they knew before bringing their bundle of joy home, and you might just hear that they wish they knew just how little sleep they’d be getting. I think it goes without saying that newborns are bound to keep their new parents up all night, but no one realizes how tough it really is until you walk through the situation yourself.

But have faith, there are easier times to come. Here are some tips from real parents on how to cope with lack of sleep between all those feedings, dirty diapers, and, of course, crying.

Sleep when the baby sleeps

It may sound cliche, but it’s a tip that’s worth trying out. Newborns can sleep up to 16 hours a day, and while that may seem like alot, it’s usually set in 3 – 4 hour stretches, which isn’t a ton of sleep time for a new parent. However, don’t be afraid to try to nap along with your newborn. Let the housework go, and don’t stress over anything but you and the baby. Sleeping when the baby sleeps requires you to get past the stigma of having to be up during the day and having to be productive in cleaning the house and whatnot. But even an hour or two of sleep can help an over-fatigued parent cope with the many demands of a new baby, so you should take advantage where you can.

Keep up on your health

Just because you’re no longer the main focus of attention doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of yourself. A good way to battle fatigue (and help out your health) is to drink plenty of water and eat healthy snacks. Contrary to popular belief, high-caffeine drinks like coffee or soda may help in the short-term, but the crash afterwards can become unmanageable if you don’t the ability to sleep due to a baby with needs. Your best bet is to drink plenty of water or juice, and to nosh on high-protein snacks to help keep you awake. Some great examples of good snacks to munch on throughout the day are nuts, peanut butter and crackers, vegetables with dip, raisins, and string cheese. Try not to eat any meals that are too big, as they take more to digest and can leave you even more exhausted. Small portions more often throughout the day should make a big difference in how you feel.

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Take advantage of help

If you are fortunate enough to have a partner with you at home, take advantage of that person. Even if they are working a regular job during the day, have them take the baby when they get home so you can get at least 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. You could also follow this tip with visiting relatives and friends. Do not allow any visitors to come over unless they offer to help in some way (which most people are more than glad to do). Have them visit with the baby (which is their main intention anyway) while you steal some time to take a short nap (even an hour helps a great deal!). Or allow helpful relatives to cook you a meal or clean your home while you bond with your baby. And don’t be afraid to turn away those that would visit you just expecting to be entertained. This isn’t the time for you to entertain others….it’s stressful enough being a new parent.

Walk away

One thing that many new parents wish they knew is what lack of sleep can do to you. It can make you frustrated beyond belief when you’d normally be as calm as a pond. If your baby is clean, has a new diaper, has been fed, and is otherwise in good health, do not be afraid to place them down in a safe place (be it the crib, a bouncer seat, etc.) and just walk away for a few minutes. There’s plenty of times when a new parent will place the baby in a crib, grab the monitor, and walk to another room to just collect themselves before trying again, especially when the baby’s been crying for an extended amount of time. As long as the baby is safe and this helps you to calm down before getting too frustrated, there is no harm in having to do this in order to cope with these new demands.

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Solar Powering

It might sound silly, but sunlight is a great source of fatigue-fighting power. It not only provides vitamin D, but it also has the ability to make you feel recharged and refreshed. And all you need is a few minutes of direct exposure.

Take a walk

If you’re lucky enough to have some nice weather, this might be the time to take advantage and take a short walk. A short walk provides some light exercise that can make you feel re-engergized. You could do this with the baby, or have someone watch the baby while you go and enjoy some quiet time for yourself. Just be careful not to overdo it!


Although you might need to get a bit creative on how to do this, showering is a great way to add a little pep to your step. Whether you have someone else watch the baby, or place the baby in a bouncer seat in the bathroom, you should have a goal to shower each day so that you can feel good about yourself and wake up a little at the same time. Alot of new parents will even sneak in a quick shower while the baby is sleeping. Either way, some refreshing warm water and wonderfully-smelling body wash can do wonders for a tired body.

I hope these tips provide some insight for you new parents on how to deal with a very difficult but wonderful time for you. Above all, keep hope alive. You may not believe it, but things will get better, and there may even come a time when you miss these days and how small and innocent and precious your new baby is. Just remember to take care of yourself as well!