Karla News

How to Relieve Morning Sickness

Fatty Foods, Small Meals


There are many women who suffer from morning sickness, and there are many who don’t. I thank god that I was one of the ones who did not suffer from morning sickness.

Step 1: Drink ginger tea early in the morning.

Step 2: It is better not to keep your stomach empty. You should try and eat six small meals rather than three large ones.

Step 3: Take a teaspoon of lime juice, a teaspoon of mint and a tablespoon of sugar.

Step 4: You should try to avoid fried and fatty foods.

Step 5 : Eat a high protein snack before bedtime.

Step 6 : You should try to include foods that are rich in protein and complex carbohydrates.

Step 7: Last but not least, Get enough rest.

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