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How to Pack for a Theme Park Day Trip

Traveling with a Baby

Too often, we over-pack for a day trip into a theme park. How many times have you stood in line waiting to get into a theme park behind a person loaded down with an over-stuffed backpack, bulging camera bag, and a mini-cooler as they struggle to present their entrance ticket? Planning and taking only the essentials is the key to avoiding the chaos of over-packing.

To avoid the stress and aggravation that results from over-packing or when an essential item is forgotten, prepare a list of must-haves and comfort extras. Before this list can be created, try to answer the following questions.

What type of park is it? An amusement park with attached water park will require you to bring bathing suits, towels, and other bathing supplies.Who is going to be in your group for the day? Visiting a theme park with a baby and/or small children presents many challenges. Babies have special needs and a packing list especially for baby should be created.

What’s the weather forecast for the day?

Does the park have restrictions on what can be brought in? Several theme parks no longer allow visitors to carry any size pocketknife.

A basic must-have list will be virtually the same whether you are visiting the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World or Six Flags St. Louis. Must-haves are the essentials you cannot be without during your day of fun.


Money: wallet, purse, cash, credit/debit cards, or traveler’s checks

ID or driver’s license

Keys: car, house, hotel. If your hotel has a safe, you can secure your extra car and house keys in it to avoid losing them in the park.

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Eyewear: eyeglasses, contact lens plus case and cleaner, and sunglasses

Cell phone and watch

Prescriptions and medical insurance cards

Park map, itineraries, tickets, and any reservation confirmation numbers

Hand sanitizer or wipes

Tote bag, backpack, or satchel

If you are traveling with a baby, several items must not be forgotten. These items include a diaper bag with several disposable diapers, wipes, and lotion. Also needed are a changing pad, nursing pad, bibs, pacifiers (at least two), bottles with juice and formula, a light blanket, two clothing changes, and several small toys.

In addition to day-trip must-haves, several items are considered comfort extras. Comfort items make are day just a little happier, easier, and comforting.

Comfort Extras

Camera: disposable or digital. Most people would consider this a must-have but if you are worried about loss or theft of a favorite camera, this becomes an extra.

Mini First Aid kit

Water bottles with shoulder straps for easier toting

Weather related items: sunscreen, lip balm, umbrella, rain gear, or insect repellent.

Personal products: tissue, comb/brush, feminine hygiene products, or cosmetics.

Snacks or gum

And remember; if you do forget an essential item, theme parks always have souvenir shops. Buying a tube of sunscreen at the park might cost you a few dollars more than at your local store, but at least you’ll be able to enjoy your day without suffering a burn.