Articles for tag: HMOs, Medical Insurance, Primary Care Physician

Karla News

HMO Medical Insurance in the Philippines

HMO or Health Management Organization is a medical insurance base plan which requires a PCP (Primary Care Physician) referral in order to be covered. Here in the Philippines, it works the same way in most aspects but there are a couple of differences. When it comes to medical insurance, regardless of what kind of insurance ...

Breast Reduction Surgery: How to Get Started

Breast reduction surgery is an increasingly popular form of cosmetic surgery in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe. Breast reduction surgery, known as “reduction mammaplasty” in medical terms, is a complex series of procedures that removes excess breast tissue and reshapes a woman’s breasts to bring them into proportion with the rest of her ...

Karla News

How to Calculate Michigan Child Support

Child support is what the State of Michigan obligates a parent to pay to someone else who has full or partial physical custody of the parent’s child. The State of Michigan determines how much money the parent needs to pay. To do so they use a mathematical formula. It takes into account the income of ...

How We Are Drowning in Medical Deductibles

Want another good reason to wash the germs off your hands? Try paying $573 for the prescription drug Tamiflu that was prescribed for our family of four. My three year old daughter was running a fever, low grade but enough to make her miserable. I also noticed her sneezing and coughing. After twenty-four hours and ...