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How to Naturally Shrink Your Pores

Acne Prone Skin, Large Pores, Loose Skin, Pores

Many factors incorporate the size of your pores. Age, genetics and environmental factors can cause the pores on your face to become larger and more noticeable. Without knowing it, the enlarged pores can actually cause unwanted changes in the skin such as loose skin, uneven makeup and of course, noticeable large pores. Once your pores are enlarged, there is no permanent way to get them back to their normal state. The only solution you have is to minimize your pores. With the following information, you will be able to make your pores appear smaller and less noticeable.

How to Shrink Your Pores


Let’s begin by cleansing the skin. Every morning and every night before bed, you should follow a strict facial regimen to remove dead skin cell, dirt and oils that have collected in your pores. You should never use products that contain the ingredients alcohol, acid or peroxides. These chemicals are harsh on the skin and can cause more damage.

When cleansing the face, you should stick to a bar of facial soap, a cleansing gel or oil. An alternative to these products is to cleanse your face with steam. To do this, bathe your face above a pot of steaming water. Doing this process for about 15 minutes can do wonders for your skin. The steam helps to open up the pores and clean out the clogging residue.


Next, exfoliate the skin after a thorough cleansing. Use a gentle facial scrub, containing sugar, to get the full benefits of the scrub. Sugar helps to smooth fine lines and shrinks pores by gently removing any dirt, oil and dead skin cells that are clogging on your face.

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Using a toner is recommended as the next step to shrinking your pores. When you apply a toner to your face, your pores will close, therefore reducing their visibility. Once again, you should avoid any toners with alcohol. Toners can be very drying to the skin so limit your use to once every day or every other day if it’s too harsh.


To allow the skin to stay smooth, fresh and give off a glowing radiance, consider using a light moisturizer. Some moisturizers can cause the skin to become too greasy, but using a cream moisturizer instead of the gel type can often fix this problem.

Using the right moisturizer can have many benefits. They can reduce the oil on the face as well as help to cure acne. Apply a moisturizer each morning and night as the last step of your skin routine. You may need to experiment with a variety of types to figure out which is best for your skin type.


Apply facial masks about once a week can give your face the benefits that you are looking for. You can purchase pre-made masks at the store or make on yourself. You can find many facial mask recipes on the internet or try this one below.

Mix together two egg whites, one tablespoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mask to your face and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Rinse the mask off carefully with warm water and a soft wash cloth.

Remember that every skin type has different skin needs. The first thing that you need to figure out is which type of skin you have. The choices are sensitive skin, oily skin, dry skin and acne prone skin. Once you decide which is your type, then you will be on your way to solving your enlarge pore problem.

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Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin reacts more to changes in temperature, the products that you use and many other factors. The goal with this type of skin is to make a move to a more normal range. Using products that sooth the skin such as aloe vera and honey can really benefit the skin. You should never use any products that makes your skin burn or tingle.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is mostly hereditary. This type of skin can be a nuisance as well as embarrassing in some situations. Oily skin can usually be managed with proper diet and a strict skin care routine. Cucumber and tomato are great natural ingredients that you can use to reduce large pores. Also, using a clay mask will help to tighten the skin and take out the excess oil.

Dry Skin

Dry skin usually occurs as you get older. A well balanced diet can help to keep the skin soft and supple. Apply nourishing skin masks as well as bananas, avocados, wheat germ and egg yolk are natural ways to help moisturize the skin.

Acne Prone Skin

Acne prone skin can be a serious problem and often the hardest to cure. Keeping the skin very clean is the first step to resolving the blemishes. It is also important to never squeeze a pimple. This can the more acne to spread because of the spreading of bacteria as well as causing reddening of the skin and scarring. Acne prone skin can be treated with garlic.

Using the natural methods listed above, you can help to reduce the size of your pores as well as taking care of your skin type properly. Using the right products on your skin can really benefit the way that your skin looks. Using natural ingredients is a great alternative to chemical based products because they are safe and non damaging to the skin.