Karla News

How to Make a Wedding Balloon Archway

You’ve seen one of those balloon archways haven’t you? You usually see them at an outdoor wedding. It’s a simple archway through which the couple walks to say their vows, then walks back through as husband and wife. If you’re thinking it would be lovely to have one of those at your wedding don’t even bother to browse through catalogs to check the prices! You don’t need that much upset while trying to plan your wedding!

Look through a home improvement store and you’ll find various things you can use to make the bridal archway itself. One is a type of stiff wire. Look for wire which is stiff enough to hold its shape but easy enough for you to bend. Although it can be impossible to bend small pieces of wire or metal you can often bend or arch really long pieces with ease.

You’ll decide how tall and how wide you want the archway to be and purchase enough wire to accomplish that. Place one stiff wire in the ground making sure you insert it deep enough so that it will stand on its own. To the end of this wire, add another one, and simply tape them together with duct tape. Lay the second wire so that it overlaps the first wire by a couple of inches. Tape the very end of the new wire to the first one. Go up a few inches and tape the two wires together once again.

Continue adding another and another wire, in the manner mentioned above, until you have enough wire to complete the archway shape. As you get to the opposite side of where you started simply push that wire into the ground as you did the first one. Make sure both are sunken equally so the archway won’t lean to one side.

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For some people it’s easier to lay the wire pieces, end-to-end on the ground, then tape all the sections together. Weigh one end down as you bend the opposite end and push it into the ground. Grab the opposite end, bending the arrangement into the arch shape, then securing it in the ground.

To make a more substantial archway you can do the arrangement more than once. Make two or three archways, placed closely together, to make an archway that’s much deeper. The archways can be wired together, if you want, or left as they are.

Tie or wire balloons all over the archway so that you can no longer see it. If you’ve made more than one wire archway tie balloons onto the arrangement to give it the appearance of being just one piece.

Another thing you’ll find in a home improvement store, which is appropriate for making a wedding archway, is pvc pipe. The hard plastic pipe can be purchased in various lengths, curved pieces and more. They sell plastic joints which you use to assemble the design you want. Push the poles into the ground to stand the pvc pipe archway.

No matter what material you use to make your bridal archway you’ll see that it’s really pretty simple and way less expensive than purchasing one. And just think how beautiful the finished archway will be!
