Karla News

How to Have the Best Yard Sale Ever

Having a fantastic yard sale is not smoke and mirrors, and not easy. If you put the work in, however, you will see a large turnout and profits. Most people just stick everything out in the yard in a heap, and wing it. There is nothing wrong with that as long as you are prepared for very unspectacular results. To maximize your sale, here are some tips that will get you where you want to go.

ADVERTISING-Without a doubt, proper placement and number of signs is paramount, as well as advertising in your local newspaper. Take out an ad in the paper and you will be amazed at how many people show up. Offer in the ad to give them a discount if they bring in a copy of the ad, and this will also help you see the number of people it drew in. Additionally, by offering them a discount, they have to buy something to get any discount. This is a no lose situation, and welcome traffic to your sale. Clear, large signs placed in as many areas as possible are also vital. Make sure to include address, time of the sale, some directions, and some items that you will be featuring.

REFRESHMENTS-On a hot, summer day, a cool glass of ice tea, lemonade or soda will win you some purchases every time. Take advantage of your local dollar store’s beverages and put them on ice. You will do very well.

PRICING AND PREPARATION- In preparing for your day, make sure that you clearly and largely price all items and attach them to the product. This helps with questions, and also gives you a starting point with people. Whatever you actually want to sell the item for, make sure that you add 10 percent to the price tag. This way when folks haggle with you, and they will, you have somewhere to go. Make sure that you clean every single item and that all electronic items are plugged up. This can seem like a hassle, but it will absolutely bring higher amounts. Finally, make sure that you have tables to place your items on. Nothing is more irritating then having to bend over to view the items I might buy.

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THE GRAND FINALE-To bring the yard sale to a rousing close, here is my top secret advice. Every thing you are selling is stuff you no longer want, right? Additionally, you will probably take whatever is left to Goodwill anyway, right? Blow it all out! Put a huge sign on the street that says .25 cents for anything! Sell every last item you have for .25 cents apiece. Sounds crazy right? Well the last three times I did this, I made 50.00 to 100.00 during that part of the sale. It creates a feeding frenzy effect. Best of all, you don’t have to haggle. That is the price, period. One last benefit to this, is you don’t have to haul it off to Goodwill.

Hope this article helps you enjoy a fruitful and enjoyable yard sale.