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How to Have Fabulous Feet

Callouses, Pumice Stone

When the weather warms up, people want to shed those heavy winter shoes and wear lightweight sandals or even no shoes at all. Unfortunately, exposing our feet to the elements can often cause them to end up looking a little shabby. Feet can easily get dried out and damaged during the warm weather months. By establishing a daily foot care regimen, you can keep your feet looking healthy and beautiful to match those great new sandals!

Take of That Dry Skin

There are many different methods of removal for sloughing off that dry skin. A pumice stone, made from lava rock, is great for removing dead surface skin. It is important to note that a pumice stone should always be used gently, because pushing to hard with the stone can actually cause abrasions to the skin. Soak your feet in a warm foot bath prior to use to help remove skin more easily.

A skin shaver can also be used. These shavers are made to remove thick, callous type skin. A small razor blade is used to scrape away small amounts of skin at a time. These shavers should only be used by adults, and should be used with caution. The razor part to these shavers is very sharp. You should only remove a small amount of this calloused skin at a time, because it is very easy to remove too much skin and cut yourself. Always make sure you read the instructions prior to use. Soak your feet in a warm foot bath prior to use to help remove skin more easily.

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You can also make a simple homemade callous remover. Simply mix equal parts of sea salt and sand with a small amount of liquid shower gel, shampoo or soap. In a small bowl, mix these together with a spoon. Using a wash cloth, gently scrub callouses with this mixture. Make sure you rub gently, and only remove a little of the callous at a time. You can store this mixture in an airtight contain and it will last for about 6 months, however you will need to stir it up before each use.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize!

Keeping your feet moisturized is essential to having healthy, beautiful feet. You should moisturize your feet at least once a day. This is usually best done right before bed, that way you the moisturizer has time to be absorbed and do its job. If your feet are extremely dry, you should perform a deep, intensive treatment for a few nights in a row to really moisturize your feet.

Performing a deep intensive treatment on your feet is quite simple. Simply mix equal parts of sweet almond oil, coconut oil and olive oil together in a small pot. Warm the oils on a very low heat. Remove the oils from the heat and allow to slightly cool. Apply generously to your feet, then wrap your feet in plastic wrap. Carefully put socks on over the plastic wrap. Wear this over night. This definitely works best if you can actually wear keep the lotion on overnight.

Some people however, have difficulties sleeping with socks on. If this is the case, you can perform this treatment at anytime during the day, just try to leave it on for at least two hours. Your feet will still be moisturized, however you will need to perform more treatments to get the results that you would if you left it on overnight. This treatment also works great on your hands, simply apply the oils, wrap your hands in the plastic wrap, and put white cotton gloves on.

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You can also perform a paraffin wax treatment. Many spas offer paraffin was treatments for hands and feet, but this is something that you can also perform at home. You can buy bricks of paraffin wax at health food or craft stores.

On low heat, melt the paraffin wax in a saucepan. Put a small amount of sweet almond oil on your skin and rub it in. Pour the remaining oil into the wax and stir. Remove the wax from the heat and continue stirring until wax is not set, but cool enough to touch. Dip your whole foot (or hand) into the wax. Allow the wax to cool on your skin for about 5-10 minutes. Then simply peel the wax away.

You can save any unused was to use for future wax treatments. Store in an airtight container until ready to use again. Then simply re-melt and repeat the procedure whenever desired.

By using these foot treatments on a regular basis, your sure to have great looking, beautiful feet to show off those great new sandals! Don’t just use these foot treatments during the summertime though, by using them year round, you can always have fabulous feet!