Articles for tag: Ear Drops, Remove Wax, Static Electricity, swimmer's ear

5 Ways I Reduced My Bouts of Swimmer’s Ear

As a child, I spent a lot of time swimming or engaging in other water related activities. Unfortunately for me, I also suffered from frequent bouts of swimmer’s ear. Because of that experience, I learned how to reduce my chances of contracting the ear infection. With that said, here’s five swimmer’s ear prevention techniques that ...

Help for a Painful Ear Infection

The ear has three parts, the outer, middle, and inner ear. The outer ear is both the ear that we see, and the outer ear canal, a passage about 20 mm long which leads from the pinnate to the eardrum. The middle ear is bridged by three small connected bones called the hammer, anvil, and ...

Karla News

How to Remove Wax from a Glass Votive

Candles are very much a part of life, particularly the glass votives that add beauty and fragrance to our living spaces. In this day and age of green living, glass votives can be used over and over again but what to do about the was stuck to the inside? There are actually several methods I’ve ...

Karla News

How to Remove Candle Wax from Just About Anything

If you like to burn candles inevitably you are going to wind up with candle wax somewhere you don’t want it. Whether your candle drips on your tablecloth, you spill hot wax all over your carpet, or wax leaks onto your wooden table or furniture it can be a real mess and can be difficult ...

Karla News

What Causes Bleeding from the Ear Canal?

Earaches are a common symptom that usually indicates an ear infection. They may cause a great deal of discomfort, but usually resolve even without treatment over a five to seven day period. On the other hand ear pain associated with bleeding from an ear canal is usually the sign of a more serious condition ‘” ...

Home Remedy: Cleaning Tips Using Everyday Items

The everyday items that you use in your home such as toothpaste, vinegar, salt, and paper towels, can be used to help clean your home. The alternative house cleaning items can save you money over time. You will not be spending money on various household cleaners and the normal health, beauty, and food items. You ...

Does Ear Candling Work?

For years, I have been a vocal advocate of evidence-based holistic health. I’ve spent much of my career glued to a glowing screen, learning about the safety, efficacy, and contraindications associated with specific practices within alternative medicine. Over the years, I’ve butted heads with my colleagues in the field, many of whom promote practices that ...

Karla News

Professional Car Wax – How to Get a Showroom Shine at Home

Professional car wax is what gives a car a show room shine. Everyone is fascinated by the glass-like finish. You can get that highly polished look for your own car, without paying a lot of money to have it detailed. You can get the same results yourself, just by using a professional car wax. First, ...