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How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection?

Candida Infection, Curds, Olive Leaf Extract, Yeast, Yeast Infections

How to get rid of Yeast infection?

What is yeast? The truth unrevealed.

Yeast, also called Candida, is naturally found in a healthy vagina and on other body areas, along with a number of kinds of healthy bacteria. Normally the yeast and bacteria don’t give you any problems unless they overgrow.
There overgrown state leads to infection. There are different types of Candida. If you’ve got a yeast infection, you most likely have the type called Candida albicans, which is responsible for about 90% of all yeast infections. Yeast can infect any part of your body but normally the term “yeast infection” is used for infections in vagina called as “female yeast infections or vaginal yeast infections.

How you get to know you are infected?

How would you know that you are infected .Statistics show that one out of every 3 women is infected by yeast once in a lifetime. This infection is quite common and leads to some uncomfortable symptoms by which you get to know that you are infected.

�⒬�itching and burning in and around your vagina
�⒬�burning sensation when urinating (peeing)
�⒬�vaginal pain or discomfort during sex
�⒬�vaginal discharge that may look like cottage cheese (it may also be thinner or absent)

What are the main causes of Yeast infection?

�⒬�During pregnancy and prior to menstruation a woman goes through hormonal changes, which is also a contributing factor to yeast infection
�⒬�When the vagina is frequently exposed to semen the acidic balance of the vagina is affected causing the infection.
�⒬�Sometimes the very products one uses to keep the vagina clean can cause infections as the ingredients maybe extremely harsh
�⒬�Wearing tight jeans and other such clothing that does not give that area too much scope to breathe contributes to bringing about this infection.

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Apart from the abovementioned causes, there are various others too. The important thing is to be aware of what causes yeast infections in order to prevent it from happening.

How to get rid of yeast infections?

For getting rid of yeast infections you first have to get the proper diagnosis this is the first step how to get rid of yeast infection. This is important to confirm that you actually are infected. Then your doctor will suggest you a short medication course. Most of the cases need a short term medication and they are cured but if the infection comes again and again then you need a maintenance program. Your doctor will guide you through this program. Frequent yeast infections may be a sign of an underlying health problem such as diabetes. So get yourself diagnosed for this also. Some home remedies also have a longer lasting effect, with no side effects. In fact, apart from curing, these remedies can be used daily to ensure that the infections do not occur.

Here are listed a couple of the home remedies which will help you how to get rid of yeast infection naturally.

�⒬�Regularly daubing apple cider vinegar in the areas prone to this infection. Your can add some garlic to stop the itchy feeling; and water to dilute the vinegar
�⒬�Concentration Curds or yogurt is regarded as one of the best home remedies. In fact, it is advisable to soak a tampon into curds and place it in the infected region for at least an hour. Basically, the healthy required bacteria from the curds will replace the unhealthy yeast bacteria. This could be repeated twice to thrice a day.
�⒬�Drink at least two glasses of buttermilk a-day, whether infected or not. In fact making curds a part of the daily diet in take reduces the probability of yeast infection.
�⒬�Mixture of olive leaf extract with grapefruit seed extraction a glass of water is a good curative tonic for this infection.
How to keep it away?

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Keeping clean, dry, and comfortable will ensure that yeast infection doesn’t comes again.Vaginal deodorants, sprays, harsh cleansers, douches, and perfumed soaps can irritate the area, making it more prone to infection. Avoid using these products. Wear clothing that is not tight in the crotch, and choose cotton (or cotton-crotch) underwear instead of synthetic. Dry your vaginal area thoroughly after bathing or showering. Taking these steps will allow the vaginal area to breathe and keep out the heat and moisture that can increase the risk of yeast infections.

Products recommended for getting rid of yeast infection.

There are some books which give you detailed insight “How to get rid of yeast infection” these books guide you through the root cause of the infection and give you proper diet ,Natural home remedies you should follow to get rid of the infection and keeping it away. You should keep a good book always handy for preparing a good plan of action. One of the recommended books is here click on the link “How to get rid of yeast infection”