Articles for tag: Late Period, Pregnancy Hormones

Your Natural Pregnancy: Week 7

At 7 weeks pregnant, your baby is actually only five weeks old. He or she is growing like a little weed. Your baby will not retain this amazing rate of growth for very long. Your baby is about 4mm long, but may double in size by the end of the week. He has tiny arms ...

Karla News

Pulmonary Embolism and Pregnancy

Many people have heard of pregnancy complications, such as pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. In addition to those complications, pregnant women are also at an increased risk of a pulmonary embolism. A pulmonary embolism or PE is a blood clot, which has traveled from another location in the body to the lung. It can be a ...

My Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

Every woman experiences different pregnancy signs and symptoms, so it’s not uncommon for women to wonder what types of symptoms other pregnant ladies have experienced. I started noticing signs and symptoms of my pregnancy very early. In fact, many of my symptoms were apparent even before a home pregnancy test showed a positive result! I ...

Tips for Having a Successful Twin Pregnancy

A twin pregnancy carries with it higher risks for mom-to-be and for the unborn babies so it is important that these risks be known and all precautions taken to assure a healthy twin pregnancy. Many aspects of a twin pregnancy are similar to a singleton pregnancy so some of the advice given to pregnant women ...

Karla News

Understanding Low Amniotic Fluid Levels

Low amniotic fluid, or oligohydramnios, is a condition characterized by the amniotic fluid level surrounding your baby being too low. Your doctor can determine if this condition is present through deep pocket measurements or amniotic fluid index. This condition would be expected if the fluid level is less than five centimeters, fluid volume is less ...