Articles for tag: Breweries, Yeast

Karla News

Brewer’s Yeast and Breastfeeding: Benefits and Safety

For centuries, people have turned to brewer’s yeast, a single-cell fungus used in beer production, as a naturopathic medicine and as a dietary supplement. Historically, midwives and folk health care providers have recommended brewer’s yeast as a galactagogue, or a natural product for increasing a mother’s production of breast milk. If you are interested in ...

Yeast – a Health Problem that Affects Many

It is a little known fact that yeast in the body can cause multiple medical problems. If you feel sick all over or more often than not and no cause was found, then yeast could be your problem. Yeast also causes problems such as: PMS, hormonal disturbances, fatigue, sugar cravings, low body temperature, sensitivities to ...

Men Can Get Yeast Infections

Common thought is only women get yeast infections, but that’s not true. Men can get yeast infections as well. In many cases, the well-known “jock itch” is caused by a yeast infection. How Do Men Catch Yeast Infections? The increased use of antibiotics is one reason men get yeast infections. An antibiotic kills both the ...

Karla News

Holistic Way to Cure a Yeast Infection

Are you plagued with yeast infections on a regular basis? Are you embarrassed by burning, itching or painful sensations everyday? It’s important to know that 75% of women have had a yeast infection at some point in their lives. When you talk about yeast infections you are referring to Candida, a common fungus normally found ...

Natural Cure for Yeast Infection

Yeast infection, is a fungal infection caused by a fungus called Candida Albicans. Candida is naturally present in the bodies of human beings and is not harmful as long as its growth is kept under control. However, sometimes the Candida yeast overgrows causing infection known as yeast infection. Most of the time, the Candida infection ...

Why Are Yeast Infections More Common During Pregnancy?

It isn’t uncommon for a woman to go her entire life and never have a yeast infection. That is, until she gets pregnant. While being pregnant doesn’t guarantee that you will get a yeast infection, it definitely increases your risk of developing one. Yeast infections are more common during pregnancy than any other time in ...

Karla News

How to Make Muscadine Wine

As far back as I can remember, September has always represented a time of change in the seasons that I look forward to every year because of the many fresh seasonal fruits that are available in the area. I have some peach trees that actually don’t get ripe until late August and early September, but ...

Karla News

What Causes Chronic Yeast Infections?

Most women will suffer from at least one vaginal yeast infection in their lives. The pain, itching and inconvenience of these painful fungal infections is severe enough that many women would do anything to avoid ever having another one. But for some women, chronic yeast infections are a way of life. Yeast infections are characterized ...

Stop Yeast Infection – Stop Believing the Hype

This may shock you, but in 2004 alone – in the United States alone – people spent over two billion dollars on over-the-counter treatments for yeast infection and other skin disorders. That’s a lot of money. The real kicker is that most of that money was wasted. The ointments, creams and balms women bought to ...

Karla News

How to Know If You Have a Yeast Infection

Although slight, you embarrassingly notice that you are not feeling quite right “down there.” You begin to wonder if you could have some vaginal issue that warrants a doctor’s visit, but aren’t sure what to tell the doctor. How do you know if you have a yeast infection? The only way to know for sure ...