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How to Fight a Dry, Itchy Scalp and Embarrassing Dandruff

Rosemary Oil

There are many different brands of anti-dandruff shampoo. Some work better then others, but there are times when no amount of these products will get rid of these embarrassing flakes. Here is grandma Smith’s old fashioned methods that worked for my great grandmother, worked for her, worked for my mother and work for me!

First let us take a look at the possible causes of dry flakes of the scalp. One very surprising cause is stress! The stress will actually trigger and overproduction of natural oils and inflame the scalp, causing decreased circulation. This will cause the scalp cells to die and flake off faster then they normally would. Naturally dry skin of course a culprit as well.

B vitamins are an excellent and harmless weapon in the war against dandruff. Vitamins B6 and B5 in particular will boost production of soothing serotonin, the same chemical that is produced in the brain that keeps you from feeling depressed. It counteracts the stress hormones that cause the skin glands to produce excessive quantities of oils on the scalp. It also works in the hair follicles, helping them release the proper amount of oil that the hair needs and no excess. You can take B vitamins if you would like, but grandma Smith always insisted that the vitamins from the natural food source itself is more effective and more healthy. You can get your B vitamins from foods such as avocados, beans, seeds and nuts.

Another natural remedy that grandma taught me about is rosemary oil. It is known for being able to alleviate stress and nervousness. Its’ compound rosmarinic acid cuts production of cytokines which are the proteins that trigger inflammation, itching and dandruff. You can eat rosemary in food if you like, however if you are like me and cannot stand the taste of rosemary, you can get some rosemary oil and mix it with a little bit of olive oil, then rub it over your scalp. If you leave it overnight, when you wash your hair the next morning you will find that the flakes are gone and so is the itching.

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Another herb that grandma uses frequently is fenugreek. It is actually used as a dandruff medicine in some Eastern societies. Grandma Smith’s grandmother migrated from Egypt, and taught my grandmother all about this herb and its’ uses. When you take around 1,000 or more mg of the herb for 2 to 3 consecutive days, it will increase the circulation to your scalp and result in a significant reduction of the dandruff. You can mix the fenugreek flakes with honey to make it taste acceptable going down.

Another trick that I have found that works very well is to rinse your hair after washing it with 3 cups of cool water mixed with 1 cup of vinegar.

If you have tried all of these methods and none of them have given you any relief, then after about three weeks you may want to schedule a visit with a skin doctor, as it may be an infection of some kind, or an even more serious condition such as psoriasis which would require a stronger kind of treatment.

Some of the medicated shampoo products on the market today do work, however if it does not work for you, try one of grandma Smith’s remedies and you may just find that the old fashioned ways can be the best.