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Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff, Dry Scalp, Get Rid of Dandruff

What exactly is dandruff? Well, dandruff is a condition in which white chunks of dead skin is shed from the scalp. Dandruff occurs when skin cells renew themselves and the old cells are shed, producing itchy, white flakes. Many people believe that it is caused from having a dry scalp. This is not always the truth, people with oily scalps face problems with dandruff as well. Dandruff can be caused by hormonal disorders, trauma, illness and an improper diet.

As we all know it is a very embarrassing problem. Dandruff is very noticeable in your hair, on your clothes and the constant feeling of needing to itch is horrible. There is no cure for dandruff, but there are some things you can do to bring relief to your itchy scalp. Here are a few tips to get rid of your itchy scalp.

First of all you want to make sure that you clean your hair and scalp everyday. Washing away excess oil may just be the cure for your dandruff. You may need to shampoo your hair twice in the shower if you use a lot of hair styling products. The first wash will get all the buildup out of your hair, and the second will clean your scalp.

Before going to bed, prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoons white vinegar and 6 tablespoons of warm water. Apply this mixture all over the scalp, making sure you get every little spot on your scalp. Now you will need something to cover your head with for the night, try using a scarf or a shower cap. In the morning wash your hair with a shampoo of your choice. This does not have to be done at night but, it is the best option because the mixture is left on your hair for a longer period of time. Increasing your chances of getting rid of the dandruff. This remedy should be done once a week, while you have dandruff symptoms.

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If your dandruff is caused by a dry scalp, oil massages work great. Before going to bed massage hot oil into your scalp. In the morning use a shampoo of your choice to wash the oils out. You can do this as often as you would like, to get relief from dandruff caused by a dry scalp.

20 minutes before you take a shower, rub aloe Vera gel into your scalp. Leave on for the full 20 minutes, and then wash your hair with a shampoo of your choice. The aloe Vera gel helps to heal the scalp and it helps to get rid of the dandruff. This remedy is safe to use everyday and it is a very effective treatment.

You can add baking soda to your daily shampoo to get rid of dandruff. While shampooing, add a handful of baking soda to your hair and massage it in to the scalp really good, then rinse. Use this remedy for one week to clear up all the flakes on your scalp, then use once a week to prevent the dandruff from returning.

Using thyme can be a good dandruff relief because it is thought to have antiseptic properties. Add four tablespoons if thyme to two cups of water and bring to a boil. Let the mixture cool, strain and then apply to a clean scalp. There is no need to rinse, style your hair as usual. Use this mixture once a week to keep dandruff under control.

If you don’t want to use a home remedy you can always use dandruff shampoos that are sold in stores. Many of these products are very effective but, after using the same product over and over again, it can stop working. Your scalp builds up a tolerance to the ingredients in the shampoo and it no longer is effective. To solve this problem use several different brands of dandruff shampoos. Use on brand one month, another brand the next and so on.

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If you suspect your dandruff is caused by your eating habits, change them. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet and cut out the junk food. A healthy diet is a healthy body.

I hope you will find these remedy’s useful, as I have. I have used each and everyone and they do work in getting relief from dandruff.