Karla News

How I Lost 15 Lbs by Cutting Out Sugar

Bad Teeth

I hadn’t been the the dentist for many years and knew I had a few cavities, so when I got up the nerve to finally visit my dentist I discovered that I had 9 cavities. Yikes! I was so upset, not to mention cleaned out financially, that I decided to eliminate sugar from my diet completely. I really mean completely!

I am not saying that I merely gave up sweets, I am saying that I switched from coke to diet, and checked all the ingredients on canned corn, soups, mayo, ect., and when I just could not find something without sugar I bought the product with sugar as low down on the ingredients list as possible. Somehow I learned to drink coffee without any sweetener, ate peanut butter sandwiches without jelly, and avoided all sugar laden desserts altogether. I was not trying to lose weight, I just afraid of having bad teeth and losing them at a young age that I wanted to curb my bad habits so that my teeth would not suffer the same fate that my European, candy loving, mother’s teeth suffered. Within three months I dropped 15 lbs and I got another unexpected bonus, my skin tightened up. I was amazed! It seemed that I was looking better everyday. I realized that my once hourglass figure had filled out, and I had a lumpy look to my abdomen, and waist, but I did not realize how bad it really was until after just two months of my no sugar diet.

When I saw my waistline come back, it gave me confidence again. The excess, post high school fat was gained so slowly, that I just did not realize how much was there, and I had forgotten how nice my waistline looked when it was fat free. I was in heaven, because I always heard people say that once you gain weight, its impossible to lose it. I know that it is definitely not impossible! The bonus side effect I experienced with my sugar free diet was face tightening. One can hide their body in clothes, but the face is always showing. The definition of my jawline and cheeks had blurred quite a bit over the years and now, without the weight of the fat pulling on my cheeks and jaw, I was starting to look as sculpted as I did when I was a teenager. Yay!

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I have since changed my diet to eating whatever I want. In other words,I do allow some sugar in my diet. I love food too much to stay away from it forever, however, I do not eat it the way I did before I discovered the fountain of youth. I truly believe I have. When I read about the negative effects of sugar I have to believe them because my little experiment proved it to me. Sugar had a does indeed have a negative effect on the body in many ways. When I see my friends struggle with all of their fad diets, I never join in, because the only diet that I have ever tried worked for me.