Articles for tag: Coke Zero, Diet Coke, Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Pepsi, Diet Soda

Karla News

Product Review of Coca Cola’s Cherry Zero

Coke’s Cherry Zero stands out in the crowded market of diet sodas. Many of these sodas taste pretty terrible, including Diet Coke, but Cherry Zero actually tastes refreshing and good. Coke Zero is good too, but Cherry Zero is so much better. Recently I have been forced into watching my sugar and carbohydrate intake, and ...

Karla News

Diet Sodas Are Terrible for Your Dental Health

In my pharmacy class, our teacher asked of us this question: “What types of sodas are the worst for you?” We, of course, responded with the usual phrases. “Caffeinated! High-Calorie! Mountain Dew!” But we were all wrong. Even though Mountain Dew does contain the most amounts of caffeine and sugar per can, it turns out ...

Karla News

Coca Cola Versus Pepsi Cola Products, Which is Better?

Taste tests may have ran the gambit nationally back in the 1975 but today it’s the supermarket or department store shelves that say which cola America really likes the best in this new millennium. Locally in northeast Pennsylvania Pepsi flies off the shelves in the local Wal-Mart and also the grocery store. It’s just that ...

Diet Coke Versus Diet Pepsi

As a spin-off of the old Coke versus Pepsi debate, the Diet Coke versus Diet Pepsi debate has been growing as of late. In the United States, as more people are looking for an easy way to cut calories in their diet and fight obesity in a small way, the big soda companies are revamping ...

The Health Effects of Diet Coke

Americans nationwide are becoming more health conscious every day. With their diet decisions aimed to give them a healthy physique, some are wise, yet some are poor. A poor diet decision is diet soda. Although diet soda rids away unwanted sugar calories, it causes negative health effects due to the artificial sweetener aspartame. Aspartame contains ...

Karla News

Coca-Cola VS. Coca-Cola Zero: Choose Your Soft Drink

I live in the Coca-Cola capital, Atlanta, Georgia. The word “Pepsi” is tantamount to treason in these parts. In the interest of diversity for loyal consumers, the Coca-Cola Company is making an effort to expand their product line. That’s good news for faithful Coke fans. President and CEO, Neville Isdell, pushes innovation in the soda ...