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Healing Naturally with Digestive Enzymes

Digestive Enzymes, Enzymes, Food Intolerances

You are what you eat, or so the old saying goes. But if you’re not digesting what you’re ingesting, your health is suffering. If you regulary experience indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea or constipation you could benefit from the use of a digestive enzyme.

Our ancestors ate a diet of whole, raw foods which started the process of digestion so their bodies only needed to supply a little of their own natural enzymes. The problem today is, most people eat processed, overcooked foods which forces the pancreas to work overtime to digest them. This places stress on the system because it spends more energy processing food than doing what it’s supposed to do; repairing damaged cells and keeping the immune system strong.

This is why over-the-counter antacids and other stomach remedies are immune from the economic downturn. We’re so used to eating foods our body has difficulty processing we think that flatulence, indigestion and irregularity are normal!

This is where supplementing your diet with digestive enzymes comes in. They help the body break down, absorb and assimilate the nutrients in food. This gives the pancreas a break, which, in turn, allows the body to heal.

I’ve personally experienced the wonders of digestive aids.

Before I discovered I have multiple food intolerances (including gluten) eight years ago, I was constantly sick, tired and in pain. Eliminating those foods from my diet helped but I still suffered some stomach distress, muscle/joint inflammation, headaches, sinus congestion and post-nasal drip. Compared to what I had been experiencing, this was a great improvement so at the time, I thought this was as good as it got. When I ran across an article three years ago listing the benefits of digestive enzymes, I realized I may be able to further improve my health and decided to give them a try.

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The difference was like night and day.

The stomach cramping and gurgling I always experienced after eating went away, I became regular for the first time in my life and the constant low-grade muscle pain that had been in the background twenty-four hours a day all but disappeared. Because of digestive enzymes, I was finally able to expand my diet from brown rice, steamed vegetables and plain chicken to a variety of dishes without fear of symptoms.

The added bonus is since I’ve started them, my immune system has had a chance to heal which has made my body more effective in digesting foods on its own!

Digestive enzymes have been known to help people who suffer from acid reflux, food allergies, Crohn’s disease, leaky gut, sinusitis, irregularity, flatulence and candida (yeast).

So, if you have frequent digestive upset or autoimmune problems, you might benefit from the use of digestive enzymes. Your body will spend less time struggling to process the food you’re eating and more time helping you heal.

While you’re at it, trade in a few of those fast food burgers for salads filled with dark, leafy greens, organic chicken, nuts and your favorite dressing and your body will thank you.

Note: It is advisable to consult your healthcare practitioner before starting any new supplement.

Sources: Personal experience and research on natural health websites.
