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Grape Juice or Wine: Which is Healthier?

Grape Juice, Health Benefits of Red Wine

Red wine has a variety of health benefits that are related to its high concentration of flavnoids. Because red wine is made from fermented grapes, it should come as no surprise that grape juice would have some of the same health benefits as red wine. While both are drinks that can be enjoyed on occasion if you’re trying to maximize health, which should you choose – grape juice or wine?

The Making of Red Wine

Wine is made from by adding yeast to crushed grapes which causes a fermentation reaction to occur that converts the sugars to alcohol. The sweet taste of wine has been enjoyed for many centuries; but only recently have the health benefits of this timeless beverage been appreciated.

The Health Benefits of Red Wine

Studies have shown that drinking one to two glasses of wine each day may lower the risk of heart disease. In fact, countries where wine is consumed in moderation such as France have lower rates of heart disease. It’s the flavonoid component of red wine that appears to be responsible for the heart healthy benefits. Flavonoids aren’t the only natural chemicals in red wine that are thought to prevent disease. It’s also a good source of resveratrol, a strong antioxidant which also appears to lower the risk of heart disease. Resveratrol is also being studied for its anti-cancer and anti-aging effects.

Grape Juice or Wine: How Does Grape Juice Compare?

Grape juice is also a good source of heart healthy flavonoids, although some sources report that the flavonoid content is lower than that found in red wine. One study published in the Journal of Biomedical Biotechnology showed that the flavonoid content of grape juice was roughly similar to that of red wine and one particular type, known as anthocyanins, were better absorbed from grape juice than from red wine. It’s believed that the higher sugar content of grape juice increases the absorption of anthocyanins.

In terms of resveratrol, red wine appears to be a better source of this antioxidant than grape juice. Resveratrol is extracted from the skins of grapes during the fermentation process that’s used to produce wine. Since grape juice is a non-fermented beverage, it has lower concentrations of resveratrol.

The Risks of Drinking Red Wine for Women

For women, grape juice may be the better choice. A recent study showed that women who drink even a single glass of wine each day increase their risk of breast cancer. It’s thought that the alcohol in red wine alters liver metabolism of estrogen.

Grape Juice or Wine: The Bottom Line?

Red wine appears to have the advantage over grape juice when it comes to resveratrol content, but grape juice wins out when it comes to absorption of anthocyanins. They both appear to lower the risk of heart disease and raise HDL levels. (the good cholesterol). For women, grape juice is the better choice since red wine appears to increase the risk of breast cancer. It’s also a good choice for anyone who wants to avoid alcohol. For men, either drink is healthy if consumed in moderation.
