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Goji Berry as a Supplement

Goji, Goji Berries, Goji Berry

Goji berries or the Lycium Barbarum are a native of Tibet and Mongolia. They are in the same family as the potatoes, tobacco and tomatoes and have eight different varieties that have been identified so far. The Goji berry can be identified as a small red fruit that has the look of a raisin and grows on a vine. They are a very delicate fruit and are shaken from the vine instead of picking by hand. You would find that it has a chewy texture when eaten and tastes somewhat like a cranberry/raisin mix. There are many claims to its ability to improve the immune system, some which are listed below.

Goji berries have about 500 times more vitamin C than any other fruit with high concentrations of anti-carcinogenic compounds. Goji berries may be the only fruit that has vitamin E (which is rarely found in fruit) and B complex vitamins. In addition to that they have18 amino acids and 21 trace minerals, linoleic acid and higher levels of beta carotene than are found in carrots.

They are a great source of selenium and germaniun and have been used in clinical trials with cancer patients. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy showed increased protection of the liver. It has been found in some studies that the Goji berries kill many kinds of cancer cells. A study in Japan suggested that tumor growth was inhibited by up to 58% of the patients eating Goji berries as compared to the control groups.

For over 2000 years Goji berries have been used in Chinese traditional medicine. It was given the name “longevity fruit” for their seemingly life prolonging benefits, which may be because of their immune enhancing benefits. The berries contain polysaccharides which help the body to resist disease and aid in recovery. The polysaccharides also help provide the cells with special sugars that help them to be better able communicate with each other to keep the immune system healthy.

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Goji berries also help the immune system by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria or probiotics in the gastrointestinal system. The benefits are healthy immune system, aid in digesting and reducing allergies. The protein in the fruit contain two key amino acids, l-arginine and l-glutamine, that are building block for healthy immunity and reduces inflammation. These two amino acids also help promote growth hormone production which slows down as we age.

Goji berries have the ability to convert food into energy from several nutrients. Vitamin B 1, calcium and minerals. They help promote a healthy thyroid, lower body fat and a balanced combination of essential minerals is necessary for efficient protein metabolism.

You can find Goji in many forms to use as a supplement, all of which are priced a little high. It is available as a tea, bottled as a juice, in the form of tablets or you can buy the berries themselves. Although this berry can help improve your health, it is no substitute for eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of rest and exercise. You need to take care of yourself and not rely on supplements to carry you through. Much information can be found online that may help you better understand the benefits of the Goji berry.