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Organic Goji Berries – Health Benefits

Essential Vitamins, Goji, Goji Berries, Goji Juice, Kidney Function

Organic goji berries health benefits range from providing the body with essential vitamins and minerals to balancing our sugar and cholesterol. Goji berries are mostly grown in the remote regions of Tibet and Mongolia where valleys and hills free of pollution provide a fertile ground for these delicious and nutritious berries. These berries have been proven to be one of the foremost reasons why inhabitants of regions that grow them in abundance live such long and healthy lives.

So what are some of the different organic goji berries health benefits? Let’s take a brief look at some interesting facts.

1. Vitamins and Minerals

One of the primary organic goji berries health benefits are that they are a potent source of many essential vitamins and minerals. Goji juice, a nourishing drink made from extracting the juice from the berries, provides 18 amino acids and 21 trace minerals, including vitamins B1, B6, B2 and vitamin E. All 8 of these amino acids are essential for our bodies to maintain optimal health.

2. Antioxidants

Organic goji berries are also an excellent source of vital nutrients such as antioxidants that are vital in fighting free radicals that are attacking the body at a constant rate. It is said that the body is subject to at least 10,000 free radicals every day through ingestion of various non-organic foods and other chemicals present in the environment. Our bodies are in dire need of these critical nutrients so that they may have a chance in fighting off these free radicals, and goji berries are an excellent source for these nutrients.

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3. Strength

Organic goji berries provide an excellent source of energy and strength needed to maintain a properly functioning body and live life to the fullest. Various studies made by health professionals have suggested that goji berries provide enough nutrients to maintain a happy and healthy life, another one of organic goji berries health benefits.

4. Cholesterol

If you are looking to maintain and manage your cholesterol, goji berries can be of some assistance. Goji berries have Beta-Sitosterol, which helps to maintain the cholesterol balance in the body by avoiding cholesterol deposits in the blood vessels and eliminating related heart troubles.

5. Kidney

Goji berries also help to promote normal kidney function. Normal kidney function is important to keep the whole body functioning correctly as they are connected to the health of the entire body frame and its organs.

Other goji berries health benefits include a high dose of beta-carotene even more than a carrot. The vitamin C present in a goji berry is almost 500 times more than an orange.

As you can see, with so many health benefits organic goji berries are without doubt a wonderful superfood to consume to maintain optimal health!