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Gift Ideas for the Expecting Mother on Mother’s Day

Expecting Moms, Mother's Day 2009, mother's day gift ideas

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and even expectant moms will love getting Mother’s Day gifts from their friends and family. Why not surprise an expectant mom this Mother’s day by giving her something that she will truly enjoy? These Mother’s Day gifts are great to give and will help her out throughout her pregnancy.

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Expecting Moms: Night Clothes

This is the one thing that she will probably thank you for. When I was pregnant, I enjoyed the robe and slippers that I had received as a gift from my family. Night clothes can be purchased at most places that sell clothing items but one of my favorite places is Target. Target offers a lot of different items and is fairly cheap in price.

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Expecting Moms: Books and CD’s on Parenting

Most mothers to be will enjoy reading or listening to things that will help them to be the best parent that they can be. I laughed when my bought me my first parenting book and my husband said,” Oh, so they do come with manuals.” Trust me, I don’t know of a single parent to be that won’t enjoy this gift idea. These parenting books and CD’s can be purchased at nearly every bookstore.

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Expecting Moms: Massager or Personal Care Package

These can come in handy when the expectant mom needs a good rub down or massage. I actually made my husband purchase a miniature massager from Wal-Mart so that I could use it when I went into labor. The horrid back pain that is caused during pregnancy will be begging for some lotion and a good rub down. Massagers and lotions can be bought at most locations that sell bathing items or skin care products such as Bed, Bath, & Beyond.

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Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Expecting Moms: Loose Fitting Clothing

Maternity clothes can be expensive and most women do not have the time or the money to purchase them. A great gift idea for the expectant mother would be some loose fitting clothing or maternity clothes. Motherhood Maternity has a great selection on these types of clothes and the mother to be will be thanking you for a long time to come.

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Expecting Moms: Funny mother to be t-shirts

I found a cool collection of mother to be t-shirts that will have you laughing each time that the expectant parent wears them. These t-shirts are cute and have funny symbols and pictures to let you know that there is a baby on the way. These t-shirts can be found at Café Press.

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Expecting Moms: A baby gift basket

Every new parent loves to rummage through things that are purchased for their new baby so why not give them a baby gift basket. You can include things such as baby lotion, socks, clothing, shampoo, or anything else that you might want to add. The basket can then be used for the baby’s laundry. Baby gift baskets are something that my grandmother does for all of her expecting grandchildren.

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Expecting Moms: Comfortable shoes

Comfortable shoes are just as important as comfortable clothing. One of my favorite maternity shoes that I wore throughout my pregnancy and beyond was Crocs. These shoes are great and comfortable and easy to slip on and off. Crocs are room enough to wear when the expectant parent’s feet are swollen and are great to wear in the hospital shower after she has the baby. If you would like to learn more about what Crocs can offer an expectant mother, you should read Crocs, the only shoes I can’t live without.

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Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Expecting Moms: Housekeeping service

If you cannot afford one then help the pregnant woman out by offering to clean up a bit when you are over. Pregnancy can make it hard on a person and cause them to not have as much energy as what they had once had. Cleaning up a house or hiring someone to do this, is a great gift.