Articles for tag: Parenting Books, Parenting Classes

Karla News

Baby’s First Stool

I had my first horrible poop diaper moment before ever leaving the hospital. The black tarry stool should be described in all parenting books. I read my fair share of the mother-to-be books and never once heard of the first stool being black. I was leaving the hospital with my new baby boy that day. ...

Karla News

Top Selling Parenting Books

The Portable Pediatrician by William, Martha, Robert, James, and Peter Sears can help you get through the night with your sick child. Like an encyclopedia, this book features timely and practical information on every childhood illness and emergency'”including when to call the doctor, what signs make you know your child is okay, how to treat ...

Karla News

Four Keys to Getting Your Children to Bed Without a Struggle

Do you dread putting your children to sleep? Is bedtime the most frustrating time of your day? Does the glimpse of the setting of the sun cause your blood pressure to rise? If so, you are not alone! You are one of millions of parents who face the foreboding struggle of bedtime. Many parents, in ...

Karla News

Why is My Child so Jealous and Envious?

When parents think of jealousy and envy, they may think mostly in terms of sibling rivalry. Most child development and parenting books address jealousy and envy in relation to siblings and life within the home as well. But what if our child is showing signs of jealousy and envy toward peers and the world at ...