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Flea and Tick Control Products: Frontline Plus Vs. Advantage

Flea Control, Frontline, Frontline Plus, Indoor Cat, Tick Control

Summer is here, which also means that fleas and ticks are here as well – even though that does not mean that they are not here during the winter time. In order to keep the fleas and ticks off of your pooch, it is important to find the flea control product which is the most suitable for him or her.

Have you ever brushed your pet and watched a flea jump out? Then all of a sudden you are looking for fleas walking across your carpet. Even if you have an indoor cat or dog, you still need to make sure that he or she is being protected. I have an indoor cat, but I also have an outdoor dog. What this means is that if my dog were to carry any fleas into the house, my indoor cat could easily pick them up if she did not have her flea control treatment.

Frontline Plus is a treatment for controlling fleas and ticks that requires you to put it on your cat or dog once a month. The formula lasts for thirty days at time, which means that you will have to go through the process of buying it each month. While it may seem costly to some people, it will help prevent the annoyance of fleas or ticks from occurring in the future. You have to put this liquid formula down your dog or cat’s spine once a month. It is made for both large and small breeds. Although my dog allows me to easily put it down his spine, I do get clawed every once in a while because my cat does not like it.

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The best thing about Frontline Plus is that while your dog or cat may get a flea or tick jump on him or her, the formula works to control these gross bugs from multiplying. It kills the eggs before they should hatch. Of course, this is only in the rare case that you see a flea or tick jump on your dog or cat. I have never personally found any fleas or ticks on my own pets.

Advantage is another one of products which I have tried out. Although it seemed to be just as effective as Frontline Plus, I decided that I would stick with Frontline Plus. Advantage does not help control the flea or tick problem until the eggs have hatched, unlike Frontline Plus which helps prevent the problem before it occurs. This is what I was told by my veterinarian. Of course, the product does claim that it will kill the fleas before they get to lay the eggs to begin with.

Advantage works much like Frontline Plus. It also lasts for up to thirty days, or four weeks, which means that you will have to buy it each month to put on your cat or dog. You also put it down your cat or dog’s spine, like you would with Frontline Plus. Both Advantage and Frontline Plus can be purchased at any pet supply store. You can also get them from most of your local veterinarians.

I personally prefer Frontline Plus. However, I have come to the conclusion that no matter what flea control product I decide to use, it is better than having to deal with the aggravation of my pets becoming investing with fleas and ticks. I would rather take the proper measures of preventing fleas and ticks from occurring than having to get my dog or cat dipped for fleas at the vet. A happy, healthy pet leads to a happy home – and when your dog or cat is constantly itching for fleas, there is no way that he will be happy.