Articles for tag: Grooming Tips, Healthy Pets

Karla News

Grooming Tips for Long Haired Cats

If you own a long haired cat as I do, you know how matted their fur can get if you don’t groom them properly on a regular basis. Grooming your cat daily can help control odor that can rest in their fur. It can also help the cat from getting feces and cat liter in ...

Karla News

Places to Adopt a Cat in Delaware

A cat is a wonderful and graceful animal and often can turn a house into a home for a person or family. Since there are lots of strays out there lots of cats and kittens do not have homes. People who do not spay or neuter their cats also magnify this problem. When people want ...

Karla News

Join the Fight Against Animal Cruelty

It’s disturbing to think about: everyday, animals are taken advantage of, be it for their fur, their meat or just the cruel gains of disturbed individuals. Animal cruelty has been talked about on the news, more as of late, what with the controversial Michael Vick dogfighting ring and the video footage of the abuses of ...

Karla News

The Many Benefits of Baking Soda

Baking Soda is one of the world’s greatest elements towards cleaning, deodorizing, cooking, and healthcare purposes. Baking Soda can be used on people, animals, and a house to do amazing things. It’s a very inexpensive product and can be purchased at any retail store. Baking Soda has so many uses for us that no other ...

Karla News

Hypothermia – Cold Weather Danger for Pets

Pet owners assume cats and dogs don’t get cold because of their fur coats, but pets do get cold and can suffer from hypothermia if their core temperature drops below their normal body temperature. I had a dog that loved to play in the snow, but his short coat wasn’t enough to keep him warm. ...

Karla News

The Care & Feeding of Your Pet Turtle

Even though you can’t do much in the way of interacting with a turtle, children and adults seem to be fascinated with them, resulting in many households having them as pets. Most everyone knows how to care for a dog or cat but turtles are a new ball game for most beginning pet turtle collectors. ...