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Five of the Best Songs by La Roux Yet


La Roux is an English electropop band that is comprised of Elly Jackson and Ben Langmaid. The duo showcases a unique sound and a fresh image that has drawn a growing base of fans. Elly Jackson has gained comparison to Lady Gaga, and I’m here to tell you that La Roux is definitely not the English version of the eclectic American pop star. Here is a look at five of La Roux’s best songs yet and why the best is yet to come.


La Roux’s hit “Bulletproof” is an energetic track with a sound that lends to the vibe of ’80s electronica. This song is begging to be played on the dance floor and will have you moving with the rhythm in no time. For added entertainment value, be sure to check out La Roux’s music video for “Bulletproof.” Between the futuristic/’80s vibe, funky hair style and clothes, as well as the song itself, I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen.


Another song by La Roux caught my attention immediately and refused to let go is “Tigerlily.” This song is just as energetic as many of their other songs, but “Tigerlily” has a hint of danger and intensity to it. The song is completely unique; it has an amazing sound and after the bridge it only gets better. The lyrics are stalker-esque and somewhat creepy, but when sung by La Roux, completely enjoyable.

“In For the Kill”

“In For the Kill” is a song by La Roux that truly showcases Elly Jackson’s vocal talent. The high energy beat is still there, but Jackson’s voice is sung at a higher octave and the result is gorgeous. To truly enjoy to this song, check out La Roux’s 2008 music video for “In for the Kill” and the U.S. version which was released in 2011. I was amazed by the vocals after the bridge; simply stunning.

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Yet another great song by La Roux is “Quicksand.” Be prepared for an addictive beat, memorable lyrics and a song laced with sexual innuendo. For further proof, check out her official music video for “Quicksand.”


Fascination” is a song by La Roux that truly explores Elly Jackson’s vocal range. While “Fascination” is not her best work, it is a fun song to listen along to. In line with La Roux’s other songs, “Fascination” has a high energy melody and fantastic vocals courtesy of Elly Jackson.

La Roux has their own blend of electronic pop that is gaining a lot of attention with a growing fan base. Additionally, La Roux’s image is completely original. While there have been some comparisons to other pop stars such as Lady Gaga, I can firmly vouch that Elly Jackson is nothing like the “Bad Romance” singer. La Roux is completely original, and while Elly Jackson has a quirky image, there is no denying her musical originality.

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