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Fight Daily Fatigue: Easy Ways to Boost Your Energy

Everyone suffers energy slumps now and then, but some people find fatigue a chronic problem. There may be a medical reason: hypothyroidism, seasonal affective disorder, or depression, among others. The first thing you should do if you experience excessive fatigue consistently is see your doctor. If you get a clean bill of health, there are some simple things you can work into your daily routine to boost your energy.

Some of the tips may not be what you think. The first is to stay away from sugar, caffeine, and high carb snacks. Caffeine and sugar take you quickly up, but let your body back down just as quickly. They aren’t good for long term energy, and you may find you feel worse in the long run.

High carbohydrate snacks may give you a quick energy boost as the carbs turn into sugars. However, just like a sugary snack, you will experience a quick drop in energy. If you need a snack avoid high carbs. Find a snack high in protein: peanut butter crackers, apples with peanut butter, peanuts, or sunflower seeds.

Because blood sugar is often related to fatigue, keeping your blood sugar level is important. Oatmeal makes a good snack, because it helps keep your blood sugar level. Eating several small meals a day instead of 3 large ones will help stabilize your blood sugar. If managing your blood sugar level makes a big difference in the way you feel, let your doctor know. You may need to be checked for hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

There are several other fatigue busters that aren’t related to blood sugar. Some of these will help you start the day, others will help you make it through a day spent behind the computer, or boxed inside a cubicle.

First thing in the morning, it feels great to take a hot shower. It loosens bones, but it sure is difficult to get out from under the hot water. However, I have learned from an athlete the best way to perk up for the day is to alternate hot and cold water in the shower. A hot bath is tempting, but cold water will open your blood vessels and get your blood pumping. Alternating both not only awakens you, but helps condition your body for stress, as well.

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When you are in the shower, take advantage of the aromas available which will help rouse your senses. Citrus has been proven to be an eye opener, but there are so many fresh aromas available that you shouldn’t have trouble picking one that will awaken you. Fragrances that remind me of the beach and mountains wake me up. The main thing is that you enjoy the fragrance and it wakes you up. Save your soothing lavender and vanilla for your evening bath.

Instead of getting bogged down with too much news, or melodramatic television, listen to music that lifts your spirits. Find something with uplifting beat and lyrics. Allow yourself to feel the music. If you listen to the music at home, allow yourself the dance when the mood hits you.

Peppermint also does wonders to enliven the senses. I passed out peppermints when I taught in the classroom. Peppermints were mandatory for early morning tests and standardized tests. Peppermint and wintergreen both work. If you don’t want to consume candy put a drop or two of peppermint or wintergreen oil in a light ring. The heat from the light will release the aroma into the room. Studies report that peppermint stimulates the brain. It may provide just the lift you need from a little fatigue.

If you are sitting at your computer, or behind a desk, and feeling weary or blurry eyed get up and take a power walk. Take a brisk walk around the building, or up and down a set of stairs. Set a pace that will get your heart pumping, it will help make you more alert. Moving like a turtle will make you want to come back to your desk and lay an egg. Pick up the pace.

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Keep toxins moving out of your body by drinking a lot of water. It’s a good idea to keep a large mug of ice water at your desk. You may be surprised how much it refreshes you. Water is also important to keep you from becoming dehydrated. Dehydration is at the root of a number of medical problems. Sodas contain sodium and caffeine; both flush your body of water and nutrients. Drink water. If you don’t like the taste of water, use Crystal Light, or other packets of sugar free sweeteners to flavor your water. I like to add lemon slices and a packet of sweet and low to my water. If I’m craving carbonation, I drink La Croix carbonated water. La Croix is lightly spritzed with flavor. It takes care of the carbon burn I sometimes crave.

Another way to feel more refreshed is to add live plants to your home or office. Plants give off fresh oxygen that may be beneficial to your system. If you don’t have plants, get outside for a little while. Take a short walk in a garden, or in the woods. Get your lungs full of fresh oxygen.

Stretching is another great way to get your blood flowing and chase away fatigue. Stretch first thing in the morning before you get out of bed. It will help awaken you more quickly. Twist your shoulders and back from side to side. Reach as far as you can. Stretch the muscles from your toes, up your legs, your back, arms, fingers, and neck. Stretch during the day to ease tense muscles and increase blood flow. A stretch in which you grab your ankles will stretch your legs, back, and arms. Alternate legs and arms to make sure both sides get stretched. Tense shoulders can be relieved by tensing them into a shrug and releasing them.

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Another relaxing and energizing exercise is deep breathing for two or three minutes. Sit with your back straight, your legs directly in front of you, with both feet on the floor, and place your hands on the top of your knees. Close your eyes and take deep breathes into your diaphragm. Hold each breath for a count of ten. As you release your breathe, picture your stress and fatigue being blown away. Give yourself a mental chat-up telling yourself that you will feel more refreshed once you finish your breathing exercise.

Another spirit lifter is laughter. Find something funny. Laughter is the best medicine. It will give you an endorphin boost when you need it. Find a comedian you like. Visit the comedian’s website for a quick laugh, or keep a few DVD’s on-hand. Look up jokes online. Bookmark sites that you find funny. Read a funny book. Once you find an author who amuses you get a small collection of his/her books. You can also buy a collection, or clip a collection of your favorite comic strips. I like to collect humorous quotes and comics. I pull them out and read them when I need a laugh.

If you still find yourself fatigued, go back to your doctor. Be aware of medications that make you drowsy. If your meds make you sleepy take them at night before bedtime.

Make sure you get enough sleep to meet your needs. The average adult sleeps eight hours, but some people need slightly more sleep, and others less. If you are getting too little or too much sleep it can make you feel fatigued throughout the day.