Effective Ways to Treat Anxiety Without Medication

The most common mental disorders are those relating to anxiety affecting approximately 18% of the U.S. population. Anxiety can cause a decline in one’s quality of work, hurt relationships and even cause people to avoid normal daily situations such as going to the store and interacting with others. It can also be responsible for hormonal imbalances and cardiovascular disease.

Anxiety is a problem that runs in my family. I personally don’t like medications, but I’m not qualified to discuss them. I decided to avoid medication if at all possible and I found a lot of other ways to treat my anxiety and get back to living life.


Acupuncture, first and foremost, has been a life changer for me. Acupuncture is a form of oriental medicine that predates historical record. Oriental medicine recognizes that the mind and body as a single entity working in unity. Acupuncture utilizes this holistic approach to create positive energy flow throughout the body and treat anxiety from various sources.


I’ve always heard than exercise was good to combat stress, but I didn’t think it could do much for my severe anxiety. I was wrong. Cardio helps to burn adrenaline which causes anxiety and causes endorphins to release which have positive psychological effects (they’re also a natural pain reliever). If you don’t do any cardio, even if you currently work out other ways, it can be a little rough getting started. Don’t give up. After a few days you will notice that you have more energy and ability for whatever your chosen cardio activity. Jogging, elliptical, jump roping, and speed walking, especially if you can find time to do it in the morning, can have a positive effect on your whole day. Since I started doing cardio, my level of anxiety is way down and my energy has increased significantly. Talk to your health care provider to make sure that you are healthy enough for cardio exercise.

Minimal alcohol consumption

Frequent alcohol consumption can cause or increase anxiety. This is commonly seen in people who use alcohol to treat their anxiety. They often find that the next morning, after sobering up, they feel intense anxiety and seek out more alcohol to curtail this feeling. Alcohol consumption doesn’t necessarily have to be a lot, just frequent to cause anxiety.

Drinking most days of the week, even if it’s not to get completely drunk, for a prolonged periods of time can intensify daily anxiety symptoms. It can also cause alcoholism and withdraw effects. These effects can manifest as anxiety as well as depression and other physical and mental problems. Someone experiencing anxiety should not drink more than one to two drinks in a 24 hour period and save heavier drinking for special occasions.

Green Tea (L-Theanine)

Although caffeine should be avoided when combating anxiety, green tea contains the amino acid L-theanine . This stuff is capable of significantly reducing anxiety while increasing alertness. This is preferable to anti-anxiety medications that can cause drowsiness, dizziness and slowing of cognitive processes. Green tea contains about a third of the caffeine as a cup of coffee.


Besides caffeine and L-theanine, other aspects of the diet influence our well-being by inducing or reducing anxiety. According to Daniel K. Hall-Flavin, M.D., writer for, there are no diet changes that can cure anxiety, but it can help.

Avoid Eating:

Salt increases nervous tensions and blood pressure and should be minimized to treat anxiety.

Simple carbohydrates such as those found in sodas, cookies and other sugary foods will have a negative effect on anxiety. Avoid white flour and white sugar.


Protein will help to energize you.

Complex carbohydrates which are found in whole grains, are believed to increase serotonin levels in the brain.

A healthy diet in general is important to overall health and wellbeing. This includes mental well-being. Eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water. The brain needs proper hydration to function at an optimum level.


I’ve said it before; orgasms are good for your health. They are particularly good for temporarily relieving anxiety. Oxytocin is a chemical released in both men and women during an orgasm that will alleviate stress and anxiety as well as physical pain. It promotes relaxation and an overall sense of happiness in those who are healthy enough for sexual activity.


There are a number of supplements on the market known to improve mood and combat anxiety. This is something that you should definitely talk to your health care provider about. My favorite is SAM-e. This supplement aids in joint health and emotional well-being.

Detoxing (but not using starvation)

Detoxing can also put a dent in your anxiety. Built up toxins in the body effect you every day. These toxins come from the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the water you drink. Detoxing in general will affect your natural chemical balances/imbalances. Properly detoxing requires proper nutrition, hydration and avoidance of sugars, caffeine, alcohol, and too much processes food. You will need to add a lot of fruits, vegetables and natural food. This is something you should definitely talk to your health care provider about to make sure it is done safely.

Successfully dealing with anxiety requires making lifestyle changes. Every day steps should be taken to combat the progression of this problem. Every decision counts. Professional help should be sought if anxiety is overwhelming.


Karla News

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