Articles for tag: Chronic Ear Infections, Ear Infections, Natural Home Remedies

How to Treat an Ear Infection Without Seeing a Doctor

You know the symptoms: Your child shakes his head, or holds and scratches his ear. His ear might appear red, feel warm to the touch, or emit a discharge. He might have low grade fever. Ear infections are a common problem with infants as well as young children. Many babies have almost chronic ear infections ...

Karla News

Natural Treatments for Ear Infections

My son had chronic ear infections when he was a baby. He’d get over one ear infection, and develop another a few weeks later. We were pumping round after round of antibiotics into his little system with no relief. The doctor was talking about surgery to put tubes in his ears. We were not excited ...

Karla News

Oral Thrush: Fungal Infections in the Newborn

Oral thrush, also known as simply “Thrush”, is a common term used to describe a medical condition known as an oral form of Candidiasis. As a fungal infection of the mouth, many parents are alarmed at the presence of thrush in a newborn. While most notable in the first few weeks following birth, Thrush can ...

Karla News

How You Can Feed Your Dog Naturally

More and more people are trying to get away from commercial foods. Although more convenient, they come with certain health risks. The same goes for pet foods. Dog owners are now choosing a more wholesome healthy diet for their furry companions. This is more true after the pet food recall in 2007. Nobody wants to ...

Karla News

Why Corn Free Dog Food is Best for Your Dog

Dogs are not known for being picky eaters. They’ll happily stuff themselves up on cheap junk. This is what many major commercial dog food companies want. In this way, they can use the cheapest and least nutritious ingredients in order to sell their products. Look out for corn, corn gluten and corn meal. Sure, they ...

Natural Remedies for Ear Infections

Ear infections are tricky to diagnose. The Centers for Disease Prevention has recommended there be no antibiotics for ear infections unless the infection is serious and confirmed to be bacterial. Many doctors feel pressured to prescribe antibiotics when parents express concerns with their children being in pain . Most parents expect to leave the appointment ...

Karla News

West Highland White Terrier: Breed Characteristics and Health Problems

The best description of a West Highland White Terrier was given by the late great Roger Caras, “When a West Highland White Terrier occupies the same room as you, he will constantly let you know of your good fortune.” This is the kindest way to put it. West Highland White Terriers or “Westies” are sure ...