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Easy Ways to Remove a Splinter

Antibacterial Soap, Tweezers

Having a splinter can be excruciatingly painful, especially when it’s inadvertently touched or rubbed the wrong way. Trying to remove that splinter can be nearly impossible, especially when it’s a child who has the splinter. Just finding the end of the splinter and getting a hold of it with a pair of tweezers can be challenging, but surprisingly there are easy ways to remove a splinter. The following easy ways to remove a splinter are worth trying, especially if it’s beneath the surface of the skin. You have nothing to lose but a painful splinter, so give these easy ways to remove a splinter a try!

Precautionary Statement

As with any open wound, injuries caused by splinters can become infected. Keep the area clean, and look for signs of infection after you remove a splinter. If a splinter is too deep to remove at home, seek professional medical care as soon as possible.

Adhesive Tape

Splinters aren’t always easy to grasp, and some fall apart when grasped with tweezers making it impossible to get them out without a needle. Try placing a piece of clear adhesive tape over the splinter, and pull the tape away in the same direction the sliver went in. It may take several tries before achieving success, but if it works, it’s an easy remedy for a painful problem. If the adhesive is strong enough, it will remove the sliver without the aide of a needle or tweezers. This method should be tried first since it’s painless and easy, especially for a young child.

A Splinter Beneath the Skin

It’s a good idea to keep a lighted magnifying glass and high-quality pointed tweezers in your first-aid kit since these items are essential when trying to remove a sliver. If you don’t already own these items, shop online for pointed tweezers and a magnifying lens, or visit your local pharmacy or discount store. In addition, make sure you have peroxide, antibacterial soap, antibacterial ointment, sterile cotton balls, adhesive bandages of various sizes, and a needle on hand.

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If the sliver has broken off or was never above the surface of the skin, begin by sterilizing a needle by holding the tip in an open flame until it turns bright red. Next, numb the area by placing an ice cube over the splinter for about five minutes. Gently rub the pin along the area of the sliver to make an opening in the skin. When done carefully this easy method of breaking the skin should be virtually painless. Once the sliver is exposed, use the side of the needle to scrape it out, or use a pair of sterilized tweezers to remove it.

Once the splinter is out, thoroughly wash the area with antibacterial soap and water, and allow cool clear water to run over the wound for a few minutes. Pat the area dry with a sterile cotton ball, and apply peroxide to the wound. Apply antibacterial ointment, and cover it with an adhesive bandage to protect it from dirt and germs.