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Drinking Games: How to Play Circle of Death

Drinking Games

One of the most popular card-based drinking games around is Circle of Death, a party game that requires 3 or more people.

In order to play, you’ll need a deck of cards, which you’ll fan out into the shape of a circle. Players take turns drawing cards and

King – Arguably the most desired card in the game, the King of any suit lets the player who drew it make a rule. It can be something as simple as “whoever touches their face with their hands has to drink,” or anything more complex, but whatever rule is made continues until the next King is drawn or the game ends.
Queen -Whoever draws the Queen is the Questionmaster. Anybody who answers a question that the Questionmaster asks has to drink.
Jack – Whoever draws the Jack is the thumb master. Anytime the thumb master wants, he can put his thumb on the table, and all of the other players must do so. The last player to put his or her thumb on the table has to drink. The thumb master can do this as many or few times as he wants, and remains thumb master until the next Jack is drawn.

Ten – Ten is “categories”. The player who drew the card comes up with a category of items, such as “brands of chips.” The next player (going around the table clockwise) must come up with an item in that category, which moves it to the next player until someone accidentally repeats an item or can’t think of one. The losing player drinks, and the round’s over.

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Nine – Nine is “make a rhyme,” which is exactly what it sounds like. The player who drew the card says a word, and the other players have to rhyme that word. Whoever can’t think of a rhyme or repeats another player’s rhyme loses and has to drink. No choosing “orange” or “purple” as the word.

Eight and below (red) – A player who draws a red card from eight down to two must drink that number of drinks. For example, if you draw a red five, you’d have to take five drinks.

Eight and below (black) – A player who draws a black card from eight down to two gets to give out that number of drinks. These drinks can be divided up among any number of players in any way. For example, if you drew a black five, you could give one player 3 drinks and another player 2 or all five drinks to one player, or a drink to yourself and two drinks to two other players, or pretty much whatever you want.

Ace – Ace is “waterfall.” The players all start drinking. When the player who drew the card stops drinking, the next person in the circle can stop drinking (the player who drew the card can choose the direction that the waterfall goes) all the way around the table.

Once all of the cards have been drawn, the game is over. It’s a simple game that can be ridiculously fun with a large group of people (and a good amount of alcohol).

Some optional rules are:
-“Don’t break the circle” – If any player breaks the circle formed by the playing cards, he or she has to finish their drink.
-“Social” – When all cards of a certain number (i.e. all four eights) are turned over, every player drinks.

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As always, don’t drive and have fun. If you play by any other alternate rules, post them in the comments below.