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The Best Children’s Card Games

Go Fish, This Means War

In the days of modern technology, you rarely see a child not being attached to a computer or a video game console. Most parents, being extremely worried regarding this behavior, are trying to find an amusing way to spend some quality time with their children. A simple pack of cards can easily do the trick offering hours of fun. Cards are cheap and safe for children while the same time, a card game can teach them how to adjust in a group and how to think building the right winning strategies. Here is a list of the most popular children’s card games.

1. Old Maid

Being played by 3 to 8 players and with a single deck of cards, the Old Maid is probably the most popular and easy one for children. The main goal is to avoid being the one having the Old Maid card in the end. To play the game, you have to remove three Queens naming the remaining Queen card the Old Maid. The dealer has to deal all cards to the players as equally as possible. There is no violation if one or more players are found with more cards than the other players. Now it is time for the players to clean up their cards removing all pairs of two. The dealer starts the game by offering his hand down to the person sitting on his left prompting him to choose one at random. If the card matches one he already has in hand, then he puts them away. Otherwise, he keeps it. The game goes on with players changing turns clockwisely. The game ends when all pairs are discarded but the Old Maid card. The person having the Old Maid loses the game.

2. Go Fish

Go Fish is a game of chance played from 3 to 6 people with a standard deck of cards and makes a great choice for both adults and children. To win the game you must have the most pairs of four. The dealer deals five cards to each player and the remaining ones are placed face down in a draw pile. When your turn comes, you have to ask one of the players if he has a specific card rank that you already hold. If so, then he has to give you all of the requested ranks. If yes, then he gets another chance to play requesting another card rank. If not, then the other player has to say ‘Go Fish’ making him to take a card from the pile. Now, if he draws a card same with the requested one, then he has to show it to the others players and play again. If not, he keeps the card and it is time for the other player to play. The game goes on until a player or the draw pile runs out of cards. Winner is the one that has the most sets of four.

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3. Spoons

Spoons is a great and extremely fun game especially for younger children and can be played with two more variations named Pig and Tongue. You can choose any of the above as it in fact the same game. The purpose of the game is to be the first player to collect a pair of four and not the last to realize that somebody has already done it. Sounds complicated? Let me explain to you. You take out of the deck all four cards of a specific rank according to the number of players. For example, if there are six players on the table, then you will have to choose six different pairs of four. Then shuffle the cards and deal them to all players so that everyone holds four cards. When the game starts, all players have to choose a card and pass it to the player sitting on their left until all players have again four cards. Check your cards and if you do have all four cards of the same rank then:

– grab a spoon if you are playing Spoons

– touch your nose if you are playing Pig or

– stick your tongue out if you are playing Tongue.

The player being the last one grabbing a spoon, touching his nose or sticking his tongue out loses the game and gets eliminated. The game goes on until there is only one player left. Play the game and you will not be able to stop laughing!

4. Slapjack

Slapjack is a game that will definitely make you and your family giggle! Suitable even for children at the age of four, it is played by 2 to 5 players with one standard deck. To play the game, deal evenly all cards to players; as with Old Maid, some players may have more cards than others. The person on your left starts the game by placing face-up the first card on his hands in the center of the table. Make sure all players are able to reach it! You will understand why. Each players repeats the above step until somebody turns up a Jack. When that happens, all players have to rush to slap their hands on the Jack! Whoever makes it first takes the pile and adds it to the bottom of his pile. The game goes on like this until one player gets them all becoming the winner! One the other hand, if someone runs out of cards, he gets instantly eliminated.

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Another variation of Slapjack is the game Snap; its only difference is that a player calls Snap when there are two cards of the same rank on the pile. For example, if there is a ‘9’ on top of the pile and the player faces up another ‘9’, then he shouts Snap and everyone have to act as above!

5. War

War is a fan and easy game suitable for all ages played mostly by two players. All cards are evenly dealt to both players who keep them in a pile facing down without previously looking at them. Then, both players face up the first card of their pile and place it to the middle of the table. Whoever has the highest ranking card wins both cards and places it to the both of his pile. The game goes on like this until two cards of the same value are faced up together. This means War; then both players have to face down one card on top of the War card and one more on top of the last one. The player with the highest ranking card takes all of them! Winner of the game is the player who has collected all the cards.

Never underestimate the power and thrill of a good card game; do not neglect to propose it to your children! Once they try it, they will definitely beg you to play some more! Choose the game you like most and enjoy hours of family fun!


1. http://boardgames.about.com/od/cardgames/tp/best_childrens_card_games.htm

2. http://boardgames.about.com/b/2009/07/10/best-childrens-card-games.htm