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Dong Quai for Irregular Menstrual Periods

Dong Quai

Do you have irregular menstrual periods? Are your menstrual cramps unbearable? Do you wish there was something you could do to regulate your periods and make them less dreadful each month? If you answered yes to any of these questions, know that you are not alone. I have been in your position, and so have many women across the world.

I talked to my doctor about solutions and searched the internet for easy home remedies that would work quickly and effectively to regulate my period. Short of spending a bunch of money or spending a lot of time hoping that one of the home remedies would help, I was coming up empty handed and growing more and more frustrated. For some unfortunate women, the symptoms of their periods are harsh enough to affect lifestyles and even careers.

At one point my menstrual period had gotten so bad that I was at my wits end. I was debilitated and had no idea what to do to fix it. Before taking a trip to the ER in hopes that they could do something, I talked to my grandmother who is very into natural herbs and home remedies, and she recommended to me a pill called Dong Quai (don – k – why), that essentially changed my life.

Dong Quai is a natural herb, grown high in the cold, moist mountains of China, Korea, and Japan. It is actually a root that has been used for thousands of years as a spice, tonic, and medicine. You can buy a three month supply of the tablets for under ten dollars at your local GNC store. I took two Dong Quai pills the afternoon I got them, and by the next morning the period that I thought would keep me from work for the next few days was gone. It returned after skipping a month, more regular and nearly pleasant (if that’s possible) than it had been my entire life. Since then, I have taken one pill each morning, and it has kept my period regulated for nearly a year, now.

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What Dong Quai does is dilates blood vessels and stimulates and relaxes uterine muscles. This has reported, in some cases, to alleviate pain and slow periods down as well as menstrual cramps. Of course, as with anything, you must know what you are putting into your body, and watch for side effects. Things to watch out for include sensitivity to sunlight (which may cause skin irritation and rashes), diarrhea, bleeding, or fevers, and it’s not recommended to use if you are pregnant or breast feeding. I have recommended it to a handful of women that I know, and only one reported a negative affect of nausea while the others have seen similar results as I saw — proving that every woman is different and what works for one may not work for another.

It is always wise to talk with your doctor about proper use of what you take, but if you have reached the point where you’ve had enough and don’t know what else to do to regulate your period, I would highly recommend looking into this home remedy for irregular periods.

And of course, if you find that Dong Quai does help regulate your period, it is still important to check in with your gynecologist regularly, as the cause for irregular and harsh periods may be something more serious than you realize.