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Doctor’s Analysis: Probiotics for Chronic Constipation?

Constipation, Intestinal Disorders

Chronic constipation is no laughing matter. Not only can it be an uncomfortable condition causing such symptoms as abdominal bloating and bad breath, long term constipation may increase your risk of contracting colon cancer. Of late, there’s been an increased interest in using probiotics to treat a variety of intestinal disorders including diarrhea and constipation. Are probiotics for constipation effective?

The idea behind using probiotics for constipation is the premise that supplying the gut with healthy bacteria in the form of probiotics can help to normalize intestinal function. By promoting normal digestive function, it’s thought that bowel motility might be enhanced and the symptoms of constipation relieved. With over 400 types of bacteria found in the intestinal tract, it’s not surprising that these organisms play an important role in the health of the digestive tract. Not only are these bacteria critical in promoting healthy digestion, they also serve as immune boosters and aid in the absorption of nutrients and the prevention of food borne illness.

The idea that probiotics for constipation might be effective was supported by studies that showed that probiotics had a positive effect on constipation symptoms in persons who suffered from irritable bowel syndrome, a condition characterized by spasms of the colon resulting in alternating constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Because of these positive results, further studies were carried out to address the role probiotics for constipation might play in the chronic constipation sufferer.

So far, results of these studies have shown some support for use of probiotics for constipation, particularly in patients diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. Positive effects were seen more frequently when a mixture of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli were given. The thought is that the presence of these bacteria increases production of lactic acid which lowers the pH of the colon, resulting in enhanced colon motility and more regular bowel movements.

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If you suffer from chronic constipation, should you use probiotics for constipation? Although studies have yielded mixed, but mostly positive results, it should be worth a try to see if your symptoms are improved. Probiotics along with a high fiber diet may result in significant improvement in the symptoms of chronic constipation. In addition, probiotics have so many positive benefits on the digestive tract that an argument can be made that they would be beneficial for even a normal individual. Be sure to choose a high quality probiotic which contains both a mixture of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli and take them on a daily basis. If symptoms of chronic constipation persist or if you develop other symptoms including abdominal pain, bleeding from the rectum, or dark, tarry stools, see your doctor for a full work up.